Originally Posted by
Hence as i said one of the features would be faster navigation via the forum sections, Maybe link to a java tutorial section etc etc.. thats why i'm asking for opinions on what do YOU think those exteneded features should be.
How could you do it faster than how it's currently done? And where are you getting the tutorials? Keep in mind that we do have tutorials here already.
Asking us what we think those features are is probably not going to work. Most of us probably don't think the forum is missing much, which is why we like it so much. And JavaPF is very open to suggestion, so I'm sure he'd be happy to hear about any room for improvement you have in mind.
It's completely up to you, but the "power users" here probably know the workings of the forum enough that they have their own system, and it's hard enough to get anybody else to read the "read this before posting" page, let alone download, install, login, and learn to use an entirely separate piece of software.
If you're serious, I'd recommend you don't worry about what we say, set up your own test forum, and then write software that parses it in a useful way for interaction. But I really predict you'll soon discover why we're being resistant to your idea.