I am basically stuck on the math required to build the worm. You see, I am not above simple high school math. I was told I could take the course anyway, but I now see that was a dire mistake.
I am supposed to get a number from 1.0 to 5.0 from the user. This is for an equilateral triangle. I CAN do that. I will store this value for later use.
Then, I am to get an angle measure from the user: 0-15 degrees. I will store that value for later use.
Then, I am to get the length of the worm (on a graph, so instead of a vector, a worm composed of triangles will be drawn) from the user. This will be a number from 5-50.
The point I am stuck on is how to get this worm drawn.
"Then the program should draw in the plotCanvas area of the breadboard (top center of the form) a set of axes and an equilateral triangle with two vertices at A(0,0), B(0,s) and the third vertex C in the 1st quadrant.
The triangle should be rotated about point A by theta degrees and then redrawn on the plotCanvas
This last step should be done "worm length" times: Starting with point A, but then choosing A or B at random every fifth time, rotate the triangle about the chosen vertex by theta degrees, and then redraw the triangle. What results should be similar to the following "triangle worm": "
^ The above directions escape me, because I have very limited math knowledge. Additionally, I am terrible at this to begin with (don't tell me not to beat myself up--it's a fact I have accepted).
Basically, I utilize randomized values to draw the triangle specified by the user. The triangle will be drawn multiple times. I don't quite understand how to move the triangles around the graph. I know I have three points on the triangle, but I'm not sure how to move them around properly.