Sorry for delay in answering.
Originally Posted by
- ease of finding the desired topic
a searchable index - possibly HTML as you mentioned earlier - is critical
- ease of locating the relevant source code and related topics from the index
- ability to simply and quickly update the entire front end
the index, links, references, etc. should easily accept new topics and remain accurate despite changes to the collection or its structure
I totally agree about this. I will provide a main index/table-of-contents for all examples and each example will have a specific page providing a description, possible screenshots (for GUI examples), requirements, build instructions, etc...
All this will be generated automatically starting from simple XML files using some Java code and an XSLT processor. This requires some initial work for me but once I have a good base template, I can regenerate correctly all support files.
Originally Posted by
- ability to contribute
considering my other suggestions, the collection should allow contributions
This is the only aspect on which i disagree. This examples project is a my personal project. I wouldn't like "contributions" in terms of source code. Obviously I like very much to receive comments, suggestions, critiques and so on. But I will remain the sole owner and committer. Not to mention that all the code for the "indexer" will not be provided. I will use ImageMagick (for screenshot thumbnails) and I am planning to use the Saxon-PE (the professional, paid, version) for XSLT processing. The PE doesn't cost much and has some interesting features that I can use in other public or private projects. I am evaluating the PE just in these days.
So unfortunately for other people will be hard to recreate all the support files. This is one reason for which contributions would not be easy to handle.
Originally Posted by
- consistent source code format
contributors should be given a style guide. since they'll ignore it anyway, source code should be correctly formatted before being added to the collection. appropriately commented code is absolutely essential
- absolutely "correct" source code
includes many of the considerations you've already mentioned, including specifying the Java version required to compile and run the source code
Ok also for this. About source code style/format you have to know that I am so "picky" that in my code there is not even a misplaced
{ or wrong spacing or name. I'm "terrible" about this ....