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Thread: Integration Test is not generating code coverage

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Integration Test is not generating code coverage

    I have integration test like one sample given below. Is not generating code coverage. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated
    	public void testgetUpdatedResultCodes() {
    		HttpMethod getMethod = new GetMethod(RESTURL_WEB_SERVER);
    		HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    		int result = httpClient.executeMethod(getMethod);
    		InputStream responseInputStream = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
    		BufferedReader in   = 
    			  new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(responseInputStream));
    		String line;StringBuilder data=new StringBuilder();
    		while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    			  MIAmandaAdapterGetUpdatedResultCodesTest.info("Response  is :"+line);
    Last edited by ashok.code; September 14th, 2021 at 12:47 PM. Reason: Sample code is missing

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integration Test is not generating code coverage

    Sorry, I have no idea what you mean by "Integration Test is not generating code coverage"
    Can you define Integration Test?
    What does it mean to generate code?
    What do you mean by coverage?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Integration Test is not generating code coverage

    Can you define Integration Test?
    --We are trying to test a Rest api, and verify the response from the api as per the expectation and format that is understandable at the client side.
    What does it mean to generate code?
    --We are trying to execute test suit with following command, mvn clean test -Dtest=AllTests , and we are observing the jacoco report is showing zero code coverage
    What do you mean by coverage?
    --In coverage we are trying to achieve the following while running the tests
    how many of the functions defined have been called.
    how many of the statements in the program have been executed.
    how many of the branches of the control structures (if statements for instance) have been executed.
    how many of the boolean sub-expressions have been tested for a true and a false value.
    how many of lines of source code have been tested.

    PS: we want to get the details of the above coverage details by running the test suite , any more details required please revert.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integration Test is not generating code coverage

    How would anyone compile and execute the code to see the problem?

    Do you have any output from the code that shows the problems you are having?
    What output are you expecting?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Integration Test is not generating code coverage

    How would anyone compile and execute the code to see the problem?
    -- We have to run the test suite with commands like - mvn clean test -Dtests=AllTests
    Do you have any output from the code that shows the problems you are having?
    ----we have jacoco reports configured which has zero code coverage.
    What output are you expecting?

    At least the code coverage report should be more than 80% for it to be working stable code.
    Last edited by ashok.code; September 16th, 2021 at 03:50 AM. Reason: unable to attach images

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Integration Test is not generating code coverage

    Move from What's Wrong with my code section.
    There does not appear to be code with a problem for this thread.

    Try asking your question at this site. There are more people there that know about mvn
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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