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Thread: General architecture of Java project

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question General architecture of Java project

    Hello all,
    First message here (I looked for a similar thread but did not find one) and the question may sound naive but:
    I am trying to learn Java through a personal project of mine which is sort of a contact/agenda/reminder app (first on my computer and then I'll move it to my phone).
    I am starting to get here and there the code and knowledge that I will need but there's still one thing I am very unclear: it is the general architecture of the app.
    My programming experience before Java limits to VBA and I don't know to what extend I should use what i know from VBA and project it on my Java project.

    So I am looking for recommendations/tutorials/advice.

    Could someone please let me know how they usually design and organize their Java programs/projects?

    Sorry if the question is a bit vague, I can also elaborate if necessary!

    Thanks a lot in advance, really looking forward to getting better at it

  2. #2
    Junior Member comradecommandante's Avatar
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    Default Re: General architecture of Java project

    Thank you for this question. Looking for the same info too.

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