I have used JDK 8u281 for developing some java programs. While installing JDK 8u281 (jdk-8u281-windows-x64.exe) it shows an updated license agreement:- [ *oracle.com/downloads/licenses/javase-license1.html ]. In the above link under "License Rights and Restrictions" it allows Development use hence I can develop programs using JDK 8u281 and earn money from it, am I right?
As of 23 February 2023, I switched from JDK 8u281 to Open JDK 19.0.2 (for further development and making changes to the programs). OpenJDK 19.0.2 has the license "GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception" which is written on the website [ *jdk.java.net/19/ ]. I have checked the license "GNU General Public License, version 2" excluding the words "with the Classpath Exception" on the website [ *tldrlegal.com/ ] and the license allows commercial use which means I can develop programs using OpenJDK 19.0.2 and earn money from it, am I right?
Thank you.