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Thread: Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

    Hi there,

    We are looking for beta tester for our new free pure Java software: Action(s) - an all-new tool to accomplish time-consuming, repetitive manual tasks quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly. Action(s) does not require any knowledge of scripting languages or code writing. Instead, automation “workflow” are created and executed simply by dragging and dropping individual steps of a process into an actions window.

    More information at Action(s) beta - app.jbbres.com

    • Easy-to-use interface: Action(s) comes with a library of dozens of actions that users can browse or search to find exactly what they need. Actions are dragged and dropped from the library to create workflows.
    • Complete control: the pre-installed actions allow manipulation of files and folders, image cropping, scaling, conversion, and adjustment, command line execution, variable storage and access and much more.
    • Extendable architecture: Developers can easily create and share their own actions.
    • Re-usable: Display controls allow action parameters to be customized each time a workflow is executed; encapsulated flow design enables workflows to be used within other workflows.
    • Portable: Java and XML format used by Action(s) ensure that workflows can be shared with others, whatever they are using a Mac or a PC.
    • Available in English and French.

    Action(s) is compatible Mac and PC.

    More information at Action(s) beta - app.jbbres.com

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question or comment.


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  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

    repetitive manual tasks quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly
    Like doing the dishes and vacuuming the floor?
    How much is it going to cost?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Like doing the dishes and vacuuming the floor?
    How much is it going to cost?
    Well, it's made in Java: it can for sure make some coffee.
    For the dishes and vacuuming, let's wait and see if Sun is going to provide an API soon

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Json's Avatar
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    Default Re: Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

    How much are you paying people to beta test this software or should I move this thread?

    // Json

  5. #5

    Default Re: Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

    Quote Originally Posted by Json View Post
    How much are you paying people to beta test this software or should I move this thread?

    // Json
    Hi Json,

    With a single developer (me) and no income (Action(s) is a free tool) I unfortunately cannot afford paying people to test the soft. I would love to.

    If you think that this thread has been posted in a incorrect category please feel free to move it.


    // JB

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Json's Avatar
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    Default Re: Action(s) Java is looking for beta testers

    Thanks for the reply JB, thread has been moved.

    Good luck on your project though.

    // Json

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