Hello everyone!
For my Capstone design project at the University of Toronto, I want to see if there's any substantial effect of internship experience on a student's technical knowledge. I've designed a technical questionnaire, and I'm looking for participants!
If you are a graduating CS student, whether or not you have done an internship before, I encourage you to fill out the questionnaire! It's only 10 questions. They are the type of interview questions that many IT companies such as Google or Amazon would give to graduating students, so it's good practice! In addition, it would really help me, and UofT department out a lot!
Survey link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MW2ZVSV
All your information will remain anonymous; I'm not publishing this or anything.
If you have questions about the questionnaire or curious about the solutions, please email me: xitongzou@gmail.com
Please try attempting all the questions first, but if you find yourself taking too long, it's ok to skip.
Please, and thank you!