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Thread: Do you add objects to an array when using switch statement with a For loop?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Do you add objects to an array when using switch statement with a For loop?

    I meant....

    "HOW" do you add objects to an array....

    I have four classes.

    Person is the super class, Student, Undergraduate, and PolymorphismExample.

    I somewhat understand how to add objects into an array, whoever, I'm not sure how to do it when using inputs in a switch statement contained in a for loop. How would I go about in doing that?

    import java.util.Scanner;                                                                             
    public	class PolymorphismExample                                                                     
    	public static void main(String[] args)                                                            
    		Person[] people = new Person[4];         
    		people[0] = new Person();
    		people[1] = new Undergraduate( );
    		people[2] = new Person();
    		people[3] = new Student();
    		char userInput;      
    		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);                                                                                                  
    		for(int i=0; i<4; i++)                                                                      
    			String name;
    			int number;
    			int level;
    			System.out.print("Enter the type of Person: ");                             
    			userInput = keyboard.next().charAt(0);
    				case 'P': 
    					System.out.print("Enter in a name: ");                                          
    					name = keyboard.next();                                                       
    				case 'S':                                                                             
    					System.out.print("Enter in a name: ");
    					name = keyboard.next();
    					System.out.print("Enter a student number: ");
    					number = keyboard.nextInt();
    				case 'U': 
    					System.out.print("Enter in a names: "); 
    					name = keyboard.next();
    					System.out.print("Enter a student number: ");
    					number = keyboard.nextInt();
    					System.out.print("Enter a level ");
    					level = keyboard.nextInt();
    					System.out.println("You picked a value other than P, S, U");

    The ultimate goal is to get to here....

    Enter the type of person: P
    Enter a name: Philip Rivers

    Enter the type of person: U
    Enter a name: Vincent Jackson
    Enter a student number: 83
    Enter a level: 3

    Enter the type of person: P
    Enter a name: Ryan Mathews

    Enter the type of person: S
    Enter a name: Antonio Gates
    Enter a student number: 85

    Person 1:
    Name: Philip Rivers

    Person 2:
    Name: Vincent Jackson
    Student Number: 83
    Student Level: 3

    Person 3:
    Name: Ryan Mathews

    Person 4:
    Name: Antonio Gates
    Student Number: 85
    Last edited by TheWhopper858; November 13th, 2011 at 01:14 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Do you add objects to an array when using switch statement with a For loop?

    For two word input from user try nextLine.

    Core java
    Last edited by mr.miku; January 11th, 2012 at 07:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you add objects to an array when using switch statement with a For loop?

    I'm not sure how to do it when using inputs in a switch statement contained in a for loop.
    The location of the assignment statement should not make any difference. If you know how to write a statement to assign a value to an element of an array, you can code that statement in the loop or switch statement

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