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Thread: how to sort array by object string member value?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Exclamation how to sort array by object string member value?

    I am trying to sort the 'stock' array (which is made up of Product objects) by the item name of each Product object. Before I start hacking at my code (which works well right now), I want to know if anyone can explain how I can sort this array by the String itemname of each Product object before output. Any help is much appreciated.

    // Product.java
    // Product class for Inventory Program
    // Adam Gleason IT/215 2012
    package inventory;                                                              //Declare package inventory
    public class Product {                                                          //Declare class Product
        public int itemnumber;                                                      //Declare integer itemnumber
        public String itemname;                                                     //Declare string itemname
        public int units;                                                           //Declare integer units
        public double price;                                                        //Declare double price
        public Product ( int newitemnumber, String newitemname, int newunits, double newprice)  //constructor for class Product
            itemnumber = newitemnumber;                                             //Initialize integer newitemnumber
            itemname = newitemname;                                                 //Initialize string newitemname
            units = newunits;                                                       //Initialize integer newunits
            price = newprice;                                                       //Initialize integer newprice
        public int getItemNumber()                                                  //Declare method getItemNumber
            return itemnumber;                                                      //Return itemnumber
        public String getItemName()                                                 //Declare method getItemName
            return itemname;                                                        //Return itemname
        public int getUnits()                                                       //Declare method getUnits
            return units;                                                           //Return units
        public double getPrice()                                                    //Declare method getPrice
            return price;                                                           //Return price
        public double calculateValue()                                              //Declare method calculateValue
            return units * price;                                                   //return value calculation
    }                                                                               //End class Product
    // Inventory.java
    // Exercise with input exception handling
    // Adam Gleason IT/215 2012
    package inventory;                                                              //Declare package inventory
    import java.util.InputMismatchException;                                        //Import definition for InputMismatchException
    import java.util.Scanner;                                                       //Import definition for Scanner
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class Inventory {                                                        //Declare class Inventory
        public static void main(String[] args) {                                    //Declare method main
            String stop;                                                            //Declare sentinal string stop
            int result;                                                             //declare sentinal int result
            Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);                                //Declare new scanner object
            int itemnumber;                                                         //Delcare int itemnumber
            String itemname;                                                        //Delcare string itemname
            int units;                                                              //Delcare integer units
            double price;                                                           //Declare double price
            Product[] stock;  //new
            stock = new Product[100];
            int counter = 0;  //new
            stop = "stop";                                                          //Initialize sentinal string stop
            result = 1;                                                             //Initialize sentinal integer result
            System.out.print("Welcome to the Inventory Program");                   //Welcome message
            while (result != 0)                                                     //Repetition statement for multiple product input
                    System.out.print( "\n\nEnter the item name (enter 'stop' to quit):" );  //Prompt for string itemname
                    itemname = input.nextLine();                                    //Input string itemname
                    result = itemname.compareTo(stop);                              //Compare sentinal string
                    if (result !=0)                                                 //Test sential integer
                        boolean itemnumberloop = true;                              //Initialize intemnumberloop repetion statement
                        itemnumber = 0;                                             //Initialize integer itemnumber
                        while (itemnumberloop)                                      //Begin intemnumberloop repetition statement
                            try                                                     //Try statement for valid input
                                int test = 0;                                       //Initialize test variable
                                System.out.print("Enter the Item Number: ");        //Prompt for integer itemnumber
                                itemnumber = input.nextInt();                       //Input integer itemnumber
                                test = itemnumber / 1;                              //Test for valid input type
                                while (itemnumber < 0)                              //test for valid integer input
                                System.out.println("That is an invalid item number, please try again"); //Display invalid integer input message
                                System.out.print("Enter the Item Number: ");        //Prompt for integer itemnumber
                                itemnumber = input.nextInt();                       //Input integer itemnumber
                                itemnumberloop = false;                             //End itemnumberloop repetition statement after valid input
                                test = 0;                                           //nullify value of test statement
                            catch (InputMismatchException inputMismatchException)   //Exception statement for invalid input type
                                System.err.printf("\nError: %s\n", inputMismatchException); //Display error message
                                input.nextLine();                                   //nullify invalid input
                                System.out.println("You must input an integer, please try again\n");    //Display invalid input type message
                        boolean unitsloop = true;                                   //Initialize unitsloop repetition statement
                        units = 0;                                                  //initialize integer units
                        while (unitsloop)                                           //Begin unitsloop repetition statement
                            try                                                     //Try statement for valid input
                                int test = 0;                                       //Initialize test variable
                                System.out.print("Enter the number of units: ");    //Prompt for integer units
                                units = input.nextInt();                            //Input integer units
                                test = units / 1;                                   //Test for valid input type
                                while (units < 0)                                   //Repition statement for valid integer input
                                    System.out.println("That is an invalid number of units, please try again");  //Display invalid integer input message
                                    System.out.print("Enter the number of units: ");//Prompt for integer units
                                    units = input.nextInt();                        //Input integer units
                                unitsloop = false;                                  //End unitsloop repetition statement after valid input
                                test = 0;                                           //nullify test variable
                            catch (InputMismatchException inputMismatchException)   //Exception statement for invalid input type
                                System.err.printf("\nError: %s\n", inputMismatchException); //Display error message
                                input.nextLine();                                   //nullify invalid input
                                System.out.println("You must input an integer, please try again\n");    //Display invalid input message
                        boolean priceloop = true;                                   //Initialize pricelooop repetition statement
                        price = 0;                                                  //Initialize double price
                        while (priceloop)                                           //Begin priceloop repettion statement
                            try                                                     //Try statement for valid input
                                double test = 0;                                    //Initialize test variable
                                System.out.print("Enter the price for each unit: ");//Prompt for double price
                                price = input.nextDouble();                         //Input double price
                                test = price / 1;                                   //Test for valid input type
                                while (price < 0)                                   //Repetition statement for valid double input
                                    System.out.println("That is an invalid price, please try again"); //Display invalid double input message
                                    System.out.print("Enter the price for each unit: "); //Prompt for double price
                                    price = input.nextDouble();                     //Input double price
                                priceloop = false;                                  //End priceloop repetition statement after valid input
                                test = 0;                                           //nullify test variable
                            catch (InputMismatchException inputMismatchException)   //Exception statement for invalid input type
                                System.err.printf("\nError: %s\n", inputMismatchException); //Display error message
                                input.nextLine();                                   //nullify invalid input
                                System.out.println("You must input a number, please try again\n"); //Display invalid input type message
                       stock[ counter ] = new Product (itemnumber, itemname, units, price);
                       counter++;  //new
                                                                                    //Display output using Product class methods
                        itemname = input.nextLine();                                //nullify string itemname for sentinal comparison
                        for (int count = 0; count < counter; count++)
                            System.out.printf("\n\nItem Number: %d\nItem Name: %s\nUnits in stock: %d\nPrice per unit: $%.2f\nTotal value of inventory: $%.2f", stock[count].getItemNumber(), stock[count].getItemName(), stock[count].getUnits(), stock[count].getPrice(), stock[count].calculateValue());
                        double total = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                            total += stock[i].calculateValue();
                        System.out.printf("\n\nTotal value of all inventory items: $%.2f", total);
                        System.out.println("\n\nThank you for using the Inventory Program");  //Display exit message after sentinal input
            }                                                                       //End repetition statement for multiple product input
        }                                                                           //End method main
    }                                                                               //End class Inventory

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    Write a sort method that Compares the itemName members when making the decision on how to order the elements in the array.
    Last edited by Norm; March 16th, 2012 at 04:00 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    Ok, so I added this for loop at the beginning of the final else statement to display the output. It should compare the strings from each entry in the array. However, I am getting an error message that says Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException whenever it gets to this line:

    if(stock[b].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(stock[a].getItemName()) < 0)

                        for(int a = 0; a < stock.length; a++)
                            for(int b = a + 1; b < stock.length; b++)
                                if(stock[b].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(stock[a].getItemName()) < 0)
                                    Product[] temp = { stock[a] };
                                    stock[a] = stock[b];
                                    stock[b] = temp[0];
                        for (int count = 0; count < counter; count++)
                            System.out.printf("\n\nItem Number: %d\nItem Name: %s\nUnits in stock: %d\nPrice per unit: $%.2f\nTotal value of inventory: $%.2f", stock[count].getItemNumber(), stock[count].getItemName(), stock[count].getUnits(), stock[count].getPrice(), stock[count].calculateValue());
                        double total = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                            total += stock[i].calculateValue();
                        System.out.printf("\n\nTotal value of all inventory items: $%.2f", total);
                        System.out.println("\n\nThank you for using the Inventory Program");  //Display exit message after sentinal input
            }                                                                       //End repetition statement for multiple product input
        }                                                                           //End method main
        public static void SortByName( Product[] array )
            for(int a = 0; a < array.length; a++)
                for(int b = a + 1; b < array.length; b++)
                    if(array[b].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(array[a].getItemName()) < 0)
                        Product[] temp = { array[a] };
                        array[a] = array[b];
                        array[b] = temp[0];
    }                                                                               //End class Inventory

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    Which variable in that statement has a null value?
    Print out the values of all the variables in that line to see which variable has a null value. Then try to find out why it does not have a valid value.

    You don't need to use any array when you save an element. Use a variable:
    Product temp = stock[a] ;
    array[b] = temp;

  5. #5
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    ok, I changed it up a bit trying to get this right. I am still getting the null value error message though. Please help me understand how I should go about printing those values in the correct spot to identify which one returns a null value.

    String compare;
                        Product temp = new Product ( 1, "a", 1, 1);
                        for(int a = 0; a < stock.length; a++)
                            for(int b = a + 1; b < stock.length; b++)
                                compare = stock[a].itemname;
                                if(stock[b].itemname.compareToIgnoreCase(compare) < 0)
                                    temp = stock[a];
                                    stock[a] = stock[b];
                                    stock[b] = temp;

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    ill getting the null value error message
    You need to find the variable with the null value.
    Add a println just in front of the line where the NPE occurs. Print the values of all the variables.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    I have printed the values stored in stock[a], stock[b], temp, and compare just to make sure that everything was returning a value, not only did they all return a value, but the correct value as well. The null pointer exception error keeps pointing to this line

    if(stock[b].getItemName().compareToIgnoreCase(compare) < 0)

    *also has been written as if(stock[b].itemname.compareToIgnoreCase(compare) < 0)

    I printed the values before and after this line and everything is returning the correct string value. Yet the null pointer exception error points to this line. Could it have something to do with the comparison to 0? I am really hitting a wall on this one. Please help.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    Did you print this: stock[b].getItemName()
    it returns a reference that is used to access the compare...To() method

  9. #9
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    yes, i printed...


  10. #10
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    Default Re: how to sort array by object string member value?

    I have figured it out....

    apparently, the problem was with the looping statement that used variable b and what stock[b] was pointing to. I changed the statement to say this...

    for(int b = a + 1; b < counter; b++)

    using the counter that i used to when adding items to the stock array rather than using stock.length ( could probably have used stock.length-1 as well).

    Thank you for all of your help, it has helped tremendously. The program works beautifully now.

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