Thank you to all that assisted me with my question last week! I appreciate it so much.
But I hit another wall this week, and I am looking for some help,
What I need to do is create a program that outputs the number of vowels, consonants, words, spaces, and special characters in a given sentence. I need to implement it with a function as well.
So I was thinking I would use a void function with an argument.
I am doing one part at a time, in this case, the vowel counter.
Here is my calling program:
public class JNumberOfItems { public static void main(String[] Theory) { JStringSource MyStringSource = new JStringSource(); MyStringSource.Vowels("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); } }
and here is my function:
public class JStringSource { void Vowels(String SentenceOne ) { } }
Now I know what you're thinking - there's nothing there! Well that is because I am truly at a loss as to what steps I should be taking now. I want to use a loop, if or switch command, but I don't really know where to go.
I researched this online left and right and everything I am finding has do do with the scanner class and keyboard imputs and more complicated stuff than what I am looking for.
Thank you for your patience and your help!