Hey everyone im stuck on a java problem and i could use some help
public class Split { private ArrayList<Integer> numbers; public Split() { numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(5); numbers.add(21); numbers.add(43); numbers.add(60); numbers.add(70); numbers.add(80); numbers.add(90); numbers.add(100); } public ArrayList<Integer> splt(int n); { for(int i =0;i<numbers.size();i++){ if(i != n){ return 0; }else if(i == n){ numbers.IndexOf(i); } }
what i need to do is type in a number, if its in the list i created above it splits the array at that position
int = 70
output = firstlist is {1,5,21,43,60}
Secondlist is {70,80,90,100}
i tried searching for the input number in the list if it is not there it returns zero if it is it returns the position of the element in the list