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Thread: String to Array?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default String to Array?

    OK so I actually have a couple basic problem but the most important problem is the array. I am making a hangman game. I have a driver that was supplied but it is actually confusing me more.

    1. Does the driver get the information from the file for me, or do I need to have the code that I put in main to get the information?

    2. I tried to output the String word just so that I knew file.next was working to get the information from the file, but I couldn't get it to output from either the displayGameIntro or play methods because it didn't recognize the variable. Any suggestions?

    3. This has to do with #2, since I can't seem to get the String word to be recognized, I can't turn it into an array. My plan is to create an array called letter (which I commented out while i was trying to get the other stuff working) that I can use when I am checking to see if the user has entered the correct letter. Is this the wrong idea to be using. Should I not use an array to check if the guessed letter is correct?

    Here is the driver:

    /* This program is a word guessing game called hangman.
     * A person will try and guess a word before the max 
     * number of guesses are used. Every time the user chooses an 
     * incorrect letter another body part is displayed in the gallows.                           
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    public class HangmanDriver {
        public static final String filename = "hw7data.txt";
        // Driver to run the game using the student Hangman class
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Scanner wordsFile = null;                  // words data file
            // open the file containing the words
            try {
                wordsFile = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(filename));
            catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                System.out.println("File not found or not opened.");
            // create object and prepare to play game
            Hangman game = new Hangman(wordsFile);
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
            // display an introduction on the game to the player
            // continually play new games if the user desires
            String playAgain;
            do {
                System.out.print("Do you want to play again? ");
                playAgain = keyboard.next();
            } while (playAgain.toUpperCase().startsWith("Y"));
            System.out.println("Thanks for playing!");

    This is my program:
    // This program runs a game of hangman
    // The point is to guess the word based on the number of blank spaces
    //@author: Kristen Watson
    //@version: 11/23/201
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.io.File;
    public class Hangman
       public final static String filename = "hw7data.txt";
       public static void main(String[] args) {
            Scanner inputFile = null;
            try {
                inputFile = new Scanner(new File(filename));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("File could not be opened: " + filename);
       public Hangman(Scanner file) {
            // Store the file object in an instance variable for later use
            String word = file.next();
        //Displays the Intro to the game for the player
        public void displayGameIntro() {
            System.out.println("You have just started a game of Hangman."); 
            System.out.println("You have seven guesses to figure out the correct word.");
            System.out.println("The blank spots indicate how long the word is. Each");
            System.out.println("correct letter will show up in the correct spot, while");
            System.out.println("a wrong guess will lead to another body part being");
            System.out.println("displayed. After seven incorrect guesses, you lose.");
        public void play () {
            // Here is some high-level pseudocode of what you want to do:
            // Initialize everything, such as arrays
            //int [] letters = new int [word.length];
            //for loop that takes word into array letters
            //for(int i = 0; i < word.length; i++){
            //    letters [i] = word[i];
            // Get one word from the data file
            // Loop until game is over:
            //		Display current picture, letters guessed, wrong guesses, and word so far
            //		Get a valid, not-yet-guessed letter from the player
            //		Determine if the letter is in the word and update variables appropriately
            // Handle winning or losing
    Last edited by Norm; November 30th, 2012 at 09:50 AM. Reason: removed spaces in code tags

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Kristenw17 For This Useful Post:

    tsharetlme (November 30th, 2012)

  3. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: String to Array?

    What happens when you execute the code?

    What does the driver code pass to the Hangman constructor?

    I couldn't get it to output
    Is the method called? If it is called it should print out some messages. Do any of its messages get printed?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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