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Thread: ClassCastException in Double Linked List toString

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default ClassCastException in Double Linked List toString

    Hey , for my class I have to create an Infinite Integer class which holds can hold a really, really large integer using a doubly linked list. It holds 3 integers per node, so 5697343 would be held like
    [5] [697] [343]. And the toString would like like 5,697,343. Or ifs its 568007 the DLL would look like
    [568][7] and the toString would add "00" to the node data that is less than 10.
    My problem is the toString method-

    public String toString()
    			String commaString= "";
    			DLLNode node;
    			int num;
    			int realSize = data.size();
    			node = data.head;
    				for( int i = 0; i < realSize; i++)
    					if( i == 0)
    						commaString = commaString + node.toString();
    						if((Integer)node.data < 10)
    							commaString = (commaString + ",00" + node.toString());
    							commaString = (commaString + "," + node.toString());
    					node = node.next;
    			return commaString;
    The problem occurs at this part
    if((Integer)node.data < 10)
    its not a compile time error but I get a ClassCastException

    Any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    mmm.. coffee JavaPF's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need some help with Doubly Linked List toString

    Hey Rastabot,

    Could you please post the entire class for me to look at?
    Please use [highlight=Java] code [/highlight] tags when posting your code.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need some help with Doubly Linked List toString

    Yeah heres the whole class-
    import java.util.*;
    public class InfiniteInt <E> extends DLList  implements Comparable
    	DLList data = new DLList();
    	public InfiniteInt(String str)
    		String mod1String;
    		String mod2String;
    		int size;
    		size = str.length();
    		if(size % 3 == 0)
    			for(int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 3)
    				int place = i + 3;
    				data.addLast(str.substring(i, place));
    		else if ( size % 3 == 2)
    			data.addLast(str.substring(0, 2));
    			mod2String = str.substring(2);
    			for(int i = 0; i< mod2String.length(); i = i + 3)
    				int place = i + 3;
    				data.addLast(mod2String.substring(i, place));
    		else if( size % 3 == 1)
    			mod1String = str.substring(1);
    			for(int i = 0; i < mod1String.length(); i = i + 3)
    				int place = i + 3;
    				data.addLast(mod1String.substring(i, place));
    	public InfiniteInt()
    public String toString()
    		String commaString= "";
    		DLLNode ptr;
    		int num;
    		int realSize = data.size();
    		ptr = data.head;
    			for( int i = 0; i < realSize; i++)
    				if( i == 0)
    					commaString = commaString + ptr.toString();
    					if((Integer)ptr.data < 10)
    						commaString = (commaString + ",00" + ptr.toString());
    						commaString = (commaString + "," + ptr.toString());
    				ptr = ptr.next;
    		return commaString;
    	public static InfiniteInt add(InfiniteInt infInt1, InfiniteInt infInt2)
    		int	largerInfInt;
    		int carryValue = 0;
    		DLLNode ptr1 = infInt1.tail;
    		DLLNode ptr2 = infInt2.tail;
    		InfiniteInt int3 = new InfiniteInt("");
    		if(infInt1.size() > infInt2.size())
    				largerInfInt = infInt1.size();
    				largerInfInt = infInt2.size();
    		for(int i = 0; i < largerInfInt; i++)
    			Integer test = (Integer)ptr1.data + (Integer) ptr2.data;
    			if(carryValue == 1)
    					test = test + 1;
    					carryValue = 0;
    			if(test < 1000)
    				int carry = test - 1000;
    				carryValue = 1;
    			ptr1 = ptr1.prev;
    			ptr2 = ptr2.prev;
    		return int3;
    	public int compareTo(Object o)
    		InfiniteInt passedInInt;
    		passedInInt = (InfiniteInt) o;
    		DLLNode ptr1 = data.head;
    		DLLNode ptr2 = passedInInt.head;
    		int compareInt = 0;
    		int breakInt = data.size();
    		System.out.println(" This is the size of the data: " + data.size() + " This is the size of the passed in Int: " + passedInInt.size());
    		if(data.size() > passedInInt.size())
    			compareInt = 1;
    		else if(data.size() < passedInInt.size())
    			compareInt = -1;
    			for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
    				if((Integer)ptr1.data > (Integer)ptr2.data)
    					compareInt = 1;
    					i = breakInt;
    				else if((Integer)ptr2.data > (Integer)ptr1.data)
    					compareInt = -1;
    					i = breakInt;
    				ptr1 = ptr1.next;
    				ptr2 = ptr2.next;
    		return compareInt;
    Heres the DLList class you'll need-
    //This will implement a "doubly linked list" that is set up to hold whatever
    //the user defines it to hold at run time (using Generics)
    import java.util.*;
    public class DLList<E>
    	 DLLNode<E> head, tail;
    	public DLList()
    		head = tail = null;
    	//addLast - adds theElement to the end of the list in its own node
    	public void addLast(E theElement)
    		//create a node to hold it
    		DLLNode<E> newNode = new DLLNode<E>(theElement);
    		//if the list is empty, then it becomes the only node
    		if (head == null)
    			head = tail = newNode;
    		//otherwise, change the links so it is the last node
    			tail.next = newNode;
    			newNode.prev = tail;
    			tail = newNode;
    	//addFirst - adds theElement to the front of the list in its own node
    	public void addFirst(E theElement)
    		//create a node to hold it
    		DLLNode<E> newNode = new DLLNode<E>(theElement);
    		//if the list is empty, then it becomes the only node
    		if (head == null)
    			head = tail = newNode;
    		//otherwise, change the links so it is the first node
    			newNode.next = head;
    			head.prev = newNode;
    			head = newNode;
    	//toString - returns its representation as a String
    	public String toString()
    		String outString = "[";
    		DLLNode<E> ptr = head;
    		while (ptr != null)
    			if (ptr != head)    //only put in , if not the head
    				outString = outString + ", " + ptr;
    				outString = outString + " " + ptr;    //just a blank, then data pointed to by ptr
    			ptr = ptr.next;
    		outString = outString + " ]";
    		return outString;
    	//backwards - returns its backwards representation as a String by following the prev links
    	public String backwards()
    		String outString = "[";
    		DLLNode<E> ptr = tail;
    		while (ptr != null)
    			if (ptr != tail)    //only put in , if not the tail
    				outString = outString + ", " + ptr;
    				outString = outString + " " + ptr;    //just a blank, then data pointed to by ptr
    			ptr = ptr.prev;
    		outString = outString + " ]";
    		return outString;
    	//size - traverses the list, counting how many elements there are.  Returns size
    	public int size()
    		int total = 0;
    		DLLNode<E> ptr = head;
    		while (ptr != null)   //walks through the linked list,
    			total++;				//counting up how many nodes there are
    			ptr = ptr.next;
    		return total;
    	//isEmpty - returns if it is empty
    	public boolean isEmpty()
    		return head == null;
    	//clear - "clears" the list by resetting head and tail to null
    	public void clear()
    		head = tail = null;
    	//getFirst - returns the first element on the list without removing it
    	public E getFirst()
    		if (head == null)    //empty
    			throw new NoSuchElementException("the list is empty");
    		return head.data;
    	//getLast - returns the last element on the list without removing it
    	public E getLast()
    		if (tail == null)    //empty
    			throw new NoSuchElementException("the list is empty");
    		return tail.data;
    	//removeFirst - removes and returns the first element on the list
    	public E removeFirst()
    		//case 1: is it empty?
    		if (head == null)
    			throw new NoSuchElementException("the list is empty");
    		//case 2: if there is only 1 element on the list
    		else if (head == tail)    //already handled the case where they were both null
    			E dataToReturn = head.data;    //store the data that will be returned
    			head = tail = null;     //make the list empty
    			return dataToReturn;   //return the data
    		//case 3: if there are lots of elements on the list
    			E dataToReturn = head.data;    //store the data that will be returned
    			head = head.next;   //move head over
    			head.prev = null;     //take out the prev link from the first node
    			return dataToReturn;
    	//removeLast - removes and returns the last element on the list
    	public E removeLast()
    		//case 1: is it empty?
    		if (head == null)
    			throw new NoSuchElementException("the list is empty");
    		//case 2: if there is only 1 element on the list
    		else if (head == tail)    //already handled the case where they were both null
    			E dataToReturn = tail.data;    //store the data that will be returned
    			head = tail = null;     //make the list empty
    			return dataToReturn;   //return the data
    		//case 3: if there are lots of elements on the list
    			E dataToReturn = tail.data;    //store the data that will be returned
    			tail = tail.prev;
    			tail.next = null;     //last element no longer points at anything
    			return dataToReturn;
    	//remove - removes the first instance of the "doomed" element
    	public boolean remove(E doomed)
    		//case 1: list is empty
    		if (head == null)
    			return false;    //means it did not find it
    		//case2: list only has 1 element
    		else if (head == tail)
    			if (head.data.equals(doomed))
    				return true;
    				return false;
    		//case3: doomed is at the front of the list
    		else if (head.data.equals(doomed))
    		{	removeFirst();   //don't do anything with what it returned
    			return true;
    		//case4: doomed is at the end of the list
    		else if (tail.data.equals(doomed))
    		{	removeLast();   //don't do anything with what it returned
    			return true;
    		//case5: doomed is in the middle of the list somewhere
    			DLLNode<E> ptr = head;
    			while (ptr != null && !ptr.data.equals(doomed))
    				ptr = ptr.next;
    			//should stop at the node
    			if (ptr == null)   //if if did not find it
    				return false;
    			else   //found it!
    				ptr.prev.next = ptr.next;    //move the next link so it goes around the doomed node
    				ptr.next.prev = ptr.prev;	//move the prev link so it goes around the doomed node
    				return true;
    	//recursiveToString() - "starting" method for recursively traversing a list and returning its contents
    	//                                   it just calls the recursive version.
    	public String recursiveToString()
    		return recursiveToString2(head);
    	//recursiveToString2 - recursively traverses whatever list is is passed by calling itself
    	private String recursiveToString2(DLLNode start)
    		if (start == null)
    			return "";
    			//this way returns the contents backwards
    			return recursiveToString2(start.next) + "  " + start.data;	//backwards - recursion then data
    			//return start.data + "  " + recursiveToString2(start.next);	//forwards - data then recursion
    	//This is the DLLNode class which will implement the nodes that make up an DLList
    	class DLLNode<E>
    	public E data;
    	public DLLNode<E> next;
    	public DLLNode<E> prev;
    	public DLLNode(E theData)
    		data = theData;
    		next = prev = null;
    	//toString - returns its representation as a String
    	public String toString()
    		return "" + data;
    Heres a tester if you want that-
    public class PartialTesterInfiniteInt
    	public static void main(String[ ] args)
    		InfiniteInt int1;
    		InfiniteInt int2;
    		InfiniteInt int3;
    		System.out.println("Test1: building an InfiniteInt with default constructor (your toString must work)");
    		 	int2 = new InfiniteInt();
    		 	System.out.println("Expected: 0");
    		 	System.out.println("Got:      " + int2);
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    		System.out.println("\nTest2: building an InfiniteInt with 6 numbers (your toString must work)");
    		 	int2 = new InfiniteInt("543534");
    		 	System.out.println("Input to constructor: \"543534\"...");
    		 	System.out.println("Expected: 543,534");
    		 	System.out.println("Got:      " + int2);
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    		System.out.println("\nTest3: building an InfiniteInt with 7 numbers (your toString must work)");
    		 	int2 = new InfiniteInt("5435341");
    		 	System.out.println("Input to constructor: \"5435341\"...");
    		 	System.out.println("Expected: 5,435,341");
    		 	System.out.println("Got:      " + int2);
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    		System.out.println("\nTest4: does your toString fill in 0's correctly?");
    		 	int2 = new InfiniteInt("120100000");
    		 	System.out.println("Input to constructor: \"120100000\"...");
    		 	System.out.println("Expected: 120,100,000\"");
    		 	System.out.println("Got:      " + int2);
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    		System.out.println("\nTest5: trying to create an InfiniteInt with an illegal input");
    			System.out.println("input to constructor: \"111a1\"...");
    			System.out.println("Expected: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: <your message>");
    			int1 = new InfiniteInt("111a1");
    			System.out.println("Got:      " + "no exception");
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    			System.out.println("Got:      " + ex);
    		int1 = new InfiniteInt("24");
    		int2 = new InfiniteInt("5");
    		int3 = new InfiniteInt("24");
    		Integer int4 = new Integer(24);
    		System.out.println("Should got 1: ");
    		System.out.println( "Got " + int1.compareTo(int2));    //should print 1
    		System.out.println(int2.compareTo(int1));    //should print -1
    		System.out.println(int1.compareTo(int1));    //should print 0
    		System.out.println(int1.compareTo(int3));    //should print 0
    		//System.out.println(int1.compareTo(int4));    //throw a new instance of ClassCastException
    		System.out.println("\nTest6: a simple add");
    			int1 = new InfiniteInt("23");
    		 	int2 = new InfiniteInt("15");
    		 	int3 = InfiniteInt.add(int1, int2);
    		 	System.out.println("adding 23+15...");
    		 	System.out.println("Expected: 38");
    		 	System.out.println("Got:      " + int3);
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    		System.out.println("\nTest7: a simple add with a carry in the calculation");
    			int1 = new InfiniteInt("23");
    		 	int2 = new InfiniteInt("19");
    		 	int3 = InfiniteInt.add(int1, int2);
    		 	System.out.println("adding 23+19...");
    		 	System.out.println("Expected: 42");
    		 	System.out.println("Got:      " + int3);
    		catch(Throwable ex)
    		System.out.println("\nTest8: a simple add with a final carry");
    		System.out.println("\nTest9: the example from the requirements");
    		System.out.println("\nTest10: adding two HUGE ints (to be sure it does not use regular ints to do it");
    		System.out.println("\nTest11: telling a new InfiniteInt(\"24\") to compareTo(itself)");
    		System.out.println("\nTest12: telling a new InfiniteInt(\"24567\") to compareTo(new InfiniteInt(\"6\") - more nodes...");
    		System.out.println("\nTest13: telling a new InfiniteInt(\"6\") to compareTo(new InfiniteInt(\"24567\") - less nodes...");
    		System.out.println("\nTest13: telling a new InfiniteInt(\"24\") to compareTo(a different new InfiniteInt(\"24\")");
    		System.out.println("\nTest13: telling a new InfiniteInt(\"24\") to compareTo(a new Integer(24))");

    I asked my professor the same question and his response confused me even more heres his response-

    "Right now, the DLList node's data will hold an Object. That is because you are USING a new DLList in your InfiniteInt class, but are not using Generics, so it just figures it will hold an Object.

    But it logically SHOULD hold an int, and that is accomplished by having it hold things of type Integer. So when you use a DLList, be sure it is defined to only contain <Integer> and ints should all work automatically as data.

    Also, check the requirements. Your InfiniteInt class is both a subclass of DLList and has data that is a DLList. You should do one or the other. Usually (in my opinion), having it as the data is preferable (it limits the use of the class to what you specifically define as its methods), but I believe that the requirements said to make it a subclass this time.

    So using Generics should help out with this problem..."

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