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Thread: Re-ordering list which has duplicate values

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
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    Question Re-ordering list which has duplicate values

    I have a list with the following string values.
    [4|oo44|oo44|oo44|244, 2|oo|oo|oo|519,548, 3|oo33|oo33|oo33|024,900, 1|header1|id1|class1|466]

    Based on this input value, I have created a new list with the required values (first and last value in each item). So my final list has
    2:548 //2 is duplicated here since the input has two values related to the row number 2.
    3:900 //3 is duplicated here since the input has two values related to the row number 3.

    Now, I have to sort these items and then wherever I have duplicate values(in this case 2 and 3), those items should be re-numbered.
    After sorting I would get
    1:466 //should remain same in final list
    2:519 //should remain same in final list
    2:548 //should be changed to 3:548
    3:024 //should be changed to 4:024
    3:900 //should be changed to 5:900
    4:244 //should be changed to 6:244

    The expected output is

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2013
    Thanked 121 Times in 105 Posts

    Default Re: Re-ordering list which has duplicate values

    You could sort it once, then go over the entire list and relabel the entries in ascending order. That should not be too hard if you already managed to sort them.
    If your values are all strings you can use the method indexOf(char c) to get the position of the ':' character, and then use substring(int from, int to) to split the string into its 2 components.
    With Integer.parseInt(String s) you can convert a string to an int, then increment, and parse it back to your new string.

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