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Thread: error: array required, but String found

  1. #1
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    Default error: array required, but String found

    This assignment requires a program that asks a customer for their burger order and outputs the order and price. I can't figure out how to fix the errors that I'm getting here. Please help. I'm new to Java and not very good at it.

    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Hamburger
    Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
    //write constructor for single on white w/ no cheese and no toppings for $1.99
    String bun=" ";
    int patties=1;
    boolean addCheese=false;
    String toppings=" ";
    double price=1.99;
    public boolean getAddCheese()
    return addCheese;
    public void setAddCheese(int newAddCheese)
    System.out.println("Welcome to Dead Cow on a Bun. Would you like cheese on your dead cow?");
    String cheese = sc.next();
       boolean addCheese = true;
             addCheese = true;
        else if(cheese.equalsIgnoreCase("No"))
            addCheese = false;
    public int getSuperSizeIt()
    return patties;
    public void setSuperSizeIt(int newPatties)
    System.out.println("Do you want to supersize your dead cow?");
    String superSizeIt=sc.next();
    if(superSizeIt.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes") || superSizeIt.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))
    public String getBun()
    return bun;
    public void setBun(String newBun)
    System.out.println("What kind of bun would you like?");
    public int getToppings()
    return toppingChoices;
    public void setToppings(String newtoppingChoices)
    String[] toppings = {"Bacon", "Grilled Mushrooms", "Lettuce", "Onion Jam", "Magic Sauce"};
    String[] toppingChoices = new String[5];
    for(int index=0; index< toppings.length; index++)
            System.out.println("Please answer Y or N. Would you like " +toppings[index]);
    //burgerDetails - prints order
    public void burgerDetails(boolean addCheese, int patties, String bun, String toppingChoices)
    System.out.println("Cheese: " +addCheese);
    System.out.println("Patties: " +patties);
    System.out.println("Bun: " +bun);
    System.out.print("Toppings: " +toppingChoices[index]);

    Here are the errors I'm getting:
    Hamburger.java:73: error: cannot find symbol
    return toppingChoices;
      symbol:   variable toppingChoices
      location: class Hamburger
    Hamburger.java:94: error: cannot find symbol
    System.out.print("Toppings: " +toppingChoices[index]);
      symbol:   variable index
      location: class Hamburger
    Hamburger.java:94: error: array required, but String found
    System.out.print("Toppings: " +toppingChoices[index]);

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: error: array required, but String found

    The cannot find symbol error is because the the compiler can not find a definition for the variable named in the error message that is in scope where it was coded.

    array required, but String found
    Using array notation: variable[anIndex] requires that the variable be an array. The compiler found a String variable instead of an array.

    Note: The posted code has lost most of its indentations making it harder to read and understand. Please post properly indented code.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: error: array required, but String found

    public int getToppings()
    return toppingChoices;
    This has two problems: There is no 'toppingChoices' variable in scope for this function, and based on how you've used the other 'toppingChoices' variables I believe the int return value on this function is wrong. It should return a String array.

    At the top when you do this:
    String bun=" ";
    int patties=1;
    boolean addCheese=false;
    String toppings=" ";
    double price=1.99;
    It makes all those variables "visible" to all the functions in the class. You need to do the same thing with 'toppingChoices'. Your setToppings() function is creating its own 'toppingChoices' array, but that should be moved to become a class-level variable.

    System.out.print("Toppings: " +toppingChoices[index]);
    This has two problems as well: Again there is no 'toppingChoices' variable in scope for this function (but that'll be fixed when you move 'toppingChoices' to the class level). There's also no 'index' variable in scope for this function. Since you need to print all the chosen toppings, you could loop over the array and print them individually (at which point you'll have an index), or simply print out 'toppingChoices' (without an array index) to let the Array class format it to a single String.

    Hope that helps!
    Last edited by BinaryDigit09; April 20th, 2018 at 09:36 AM. Reason: Forum acting foolish

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: error: array required, but String found

    Thank you, that solved the problems with my class! Now if only I could get my driver to work

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