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Thread: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

  1. #1
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    Default Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    What is wrong with the following?
    	public static <T> T Min(final T Value1, final T Value2)
            return((Value1 < Value2) ? Value1 : Value2);
    I am just trying to make a simple generic method so that I can do Min(1,2) and have it return the smaller of the two values (in this case 1). When compiling, I get this:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
    The operator < is undefined for the argument type(s) T, T

    How do I best do this?

    I know in C using templates I can simply do:
          template <typename T> T Min(const T &Value1, const T &Value2)
             return((Value1 < Value2) ? Value1 : Value2);
    How do I do this in Java? All the examples I see use "Collections", but I don't. I just want to use simple Integers.
    Last edited by helloworld922; September 12th, 2010 at 11:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    I think The < operator will only work for primitives. For classes you need to use a method.

  3. #3
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    Quote Originally Posted by Iglesias View Post
    I just want to use simple Integers.
    Why use generics then? Do you want to compare primitives or objects? To compare intergers, just pass primitives:
    int min(int val1, int val2){
    return val1 < val2 ? val1 : val2;
    Or just use Math
    Comparing two objects via greater or less than should result in a compile time error (the meaning of greater than on an object doesn't make sense). If you have variable classes that hold a value you wish to compare, define an interface that those objects implement and use that as the parameter

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    I want to compare two objects, but they could be Double or they could be Integer or Float. I want to use T instead of Integer, Double, or Float. I am hoping that I could just use T... syntactic error I hope?

    I know int, double would not work. So I would use the "wrapper" for these: Integer and Double.
    Last edited by Iglesias; September 12th, 2010 at 09:22 PM.

  5. #5
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    Just use the Math class
    int i1 = 5;
    int i2 = 10;
    float f1 = 1.0;
    float f2 = 5;
    double d1 = 1;
    double d2 = 10;
    Java also has something called autoboxing, where primitive wrappers and their primitives can be used interchangably
    Integer i1 = new Integer(5);
    Integer i2 = new Integer(10);

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    I sort of wrote a program in C and wanted to convert it to Java. This method happens to be a part of the library of functions that I use, so I am hoping to convert my existing "legacy" code into a Java version, and switch to the Math.min() later. Does Java not have a direct syntactically similar way to convert from the following C code?:
    template <typename T> T Min(const T &Value1, const T &Value2)
    return((Value1 < Value2) ? Value1 : Value2);
    Last edited by helloworld922; September 12th, 2010 at 11:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Administrator copeg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help, Want to make a BASIC min value Method with Generics

    You could rely on the fact that the primitive wrappers all implement the Comparable interface...
    public static Comparable min(Comparable c1, Comparable c2){
    	return c1.compareTo(c2) < 0 ? c1 : c2;

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