This is what I am supposed to do:
Create application that will allow you to create a new account either savings or checking for your customer. It must allow the customer to deposit as well as withdraw from his account. Assume that user deposits $100 for the checking account and $500 for the savings account when the account is created. You must create array at least 10 customers.
• You must create an object array for customers who could have either a savings account or a checking account.
• You must create a menu to ask the user if they wish to create a new account or they wish to deposit/withdraw from an account.
• To create an account - the input you must get from the user is their first name, last name, four pin digit code, want to create a savings account or a checking account.
• You must allow the user to return to the menu.
• If the user chooses to deposit/withdraw option – then you need to ask if they wish to either deposit or withdraw.
• You must then ask the user for his 4 digit pin code
• Make sure it exists in the array
• Savings account and checking account must be subclasses of Account class. You need to think if you need to make the account class an abstract class or not.
• In withdrawals you must charge $0.75 for any withdrawal over $2000 in the savings account and $0.50 for any withdrawal over $750 in the checking account.
• You must not let the customer withdraw, if his withdrawal exceeds his balance
• If account is created – display pin code, first name, last name, the type of account, the amount in the account.
• If the option chosen was withdrawal/deposit –you will need to display the Pin code number, last name, first name, deposit/withdrawal, charges if incurred, and the balance in the account
I have created an abstract (Account) class along with two subclasses. (Checking and Savings), and a calculation class for output and calculation.
Abstract account class:
public abstract class Account { protected int pinNumberInteger; protected double withdrawChargeDouble, totalDouble, depositDouble, withdrawDouble; protected String nameString; public Account(){ this("No Account"); } public Account(String customerName) { nameString = customerName; } public abstract void calculateAccount(); public String getNameString() { return nameString; } public double getWithdrawAmount() { return withdrawDouble; } public double getDepositAmount() { return depositDouble; } public double getWithdrawCharge() { return withdrawChargeDouble; } public double getTotal() { return totalDouble; } public double getPinNumber() { return pinNumberInteger; } }
Checking class:
public class Checking extends Account{ public Checking() { super("No Account"); } public void calculateAccount() { if(withdrawDouble > 750) { withdrawChargeDouble = .50; } else { withdrawChargeDouble = .00; } totalDouble += (depositDouble - withdrawDouble - withdrawChargeDouble); } }
Savings class:
public class Savings extends Account{ public Savings() { super("No Account"); } public void calculateAccount() { if(withdrawDouble > 2000) { withdrawChargeDouble = .75; } else { withdrawChargeDouble = .00; } totalDouble += (depositDouble - withdrawDouble - withdrawChargeDouble); } }
ComputeTotal class:
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ComputeTotals extends JFrame implements ActionListener { Account account = null; JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); JTextField nameTextField = new JTextField(15); JTextField createPinTextField = new JTextField(4); JButton newAccountButton = new JButton("Create an Account"); JTextField depositAmountTextField = new JTextField(10); JTextField withdrawAmountTextField = new JTextField(10); JTextField existingPinTextField = new JTextField(4); JButton depositButton = new JButton("Deposit"); JButton withdrawButton = new JButton("Withdraw"); JTextArea outputTextArea = new JTextArea("Your Bank Statement:" , 10, 30); JScrollPane outputScrollPane = new JScrollPane(outputTextArea); String accountType[] = {"Checking", "Savings"}; JComboBox accountTypeComboBox = new JComboBox(accountType); String [] customerAccountArray = new String[10] ; int [] pinNumberArray = new int [10]; int existingPinNumberInteger, desiredPinNumberInteger, counterInteger; double depositAmountDouble, withdrawAmountDouble; String nameString; public static void main(String[] args) { ComputeTotals myTotals = new ComputeTotals(); myTotals.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public ComputeTotals() { designFrame(); add(mainPanel); setTitle("Welcome to Maricon Bank"); setSize(832,287); setVisible(true); } public void designFrame() { mainPanel.add(new JLabel(" Name: ")); mainPanel.add(nameTextField); mainPanel.add(new JLabel(" Desired PIN Number ")); mainPanel.add(createPinTextField); mainPanel.add(new JLabel(" Account Type ")); mainPanel.add(accountTypeComboBox); mainPanel.add(newAccountButton); mainPanel.add(new JLabel(" Enter PIN: ")); mainPanel.add(existingPinTextField); mainPanel.add(new JLabel(" Amount: ")); mainPanel.add(depositButton); mainPanel.add(depositAmountTextField); mainPanel.add(withdrawButton); mainPanel.add(withdrawAmountTextField); mainPanel.add(outputTextArea); newAccountButton.addActionListener(this); depositButton.addActionListener(this); withdrawButton.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object sourceObject = evt.getSource(); if(sourceObject == newAccountButton) { getInputForCreation(); createAccount(); displayCreatedOutput(); } else if(sourceObject == withdrawButton || sourceObject == depositButton) { getInputForExisting(); calculate(); displayStatementOutput(); } } public void getInputForCreation() { if (createPinTextField.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid input!"); } else { desiredPinNumberInteger = Integer.parseInt(createPinTextField.getText()); } if (nameTextField.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid input!"); } else { nameString = nameTextField.getText(); } } public void getInputForExisting() { double depositDouble, withdrawDouble; depositDouble = account.getDepositAmount(); withdrawDouble = account.getWithdrawAmount(); for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) if(existingPinNumberInteger != pinNumberArray[i] || existingPinTextField.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This pin number is not in the system"); break; } else { existingPinNumberInteger = Integer.parseInt(existingPinTextField.getText()); } if (depositAmountTextField.equals("") && withdrawAmountTextField.equals("") ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid input!"); } else { depositDouble = Double.parseDouble(depositAmountTextField.getText()); withdrawDouble = Double.parseDouble(withdrawAmountTextField.getText()); } } public void createAccount() { for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { if(desiredPinNumberInteger == pinNumberArray[i]) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "A customer with this PIN already exists"); break; } else { pinNumberArray[counterInteger] = desiredPinNumberInteger; customerAccountArray[counterInteger] = nameString; System.out.println(desiredPinNumberInteger + nameString); } } } public void getMethods() { if(accountTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("Checking")) { account = new Checking(); } else { account = new Savings(); } } public void calculate() { if (account != null) { account.calculateAccount(); } } public void displayCreatedOutput() { double totalDouble; if(accountTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals("Checking")) { totalDouble = 100; } else { totalDouble = 500; } outputTextArea.setText("PIN code: " + desiredPinNumberInteger + '\n' +"Name: " + nameString + '\n' + "Type of Account:" + accountTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem() + '\n' + "Amount:" + totalDouble); } public void displayStatementOutput() { double depositDouble, withdrawDouble, withdrawChargeDouble, totalDouble; depositDouble = account.getDepositAmount(); withdrawDouble = account.getWithdrawAmount(); withdrawChargeDouble = account.getWithdrawCharge(); totalDouble = account.getTotal(); outputTextArea.setText("PIN code: " + existingPinNumberInteger + "Name: " + nameString + "Type of Account:" + accountTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem() + "Amount:" + totalDouble); } }
I declared the object account as a class variable and used it to get the calculate method from the subclasses. I don't think there is an actual problem with this, but the problem is, I don't know how to send my input over to the checkings and savings subclasses to make the calculation. The input for the withdrawal is given through the withdrawAmountTextField, and I want to initialize the withdrawDouble variable to this. Likewise, I would like to get the input for the depositDouble through depositAmountTextField. I have tried doing this by getting the variables from the other class and then intializing them as the input from the textfields in getInputForExisting():
I do not know how to send this input over to the other subclasses (Checking and Savings).public void getInputForExisting() { double depositDouble, withdrawDouble; depositDouble = account.getDepositAmount(); withdrawDouble = account.getWithdrawAmount(); for(int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) if(existingPinNumberInteger != pinNumberArray[i] || existingPinTextField.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "This pin number is not in the system"); break; } else { existingPinNumberInteger = Integer.parseInt(existingPinTextField.getText()); } if (depositAmountTextField.equals("") && withdrawAmountTextField.equals("") ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid input!"); } else { depositDouble = Double.parseDouble(depositAmountTextField.getText()); withdrawDouble = Double.parseDouble(withdrawAmountTextField.getText()); } }
Also, I do not know how to associate the pin number with its amount, to create an entire account object which includes the corresponding pin number, name, and amount in the account. I have not done this with multiclasses before and some advice on how to do this would be great.
UPDATE: i've been working on this for the last 2 days.... just stuck now.