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Thread: Accessing deeper levels of JSON object

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Default Accessing deeper levels of JSON object

    I have been trying to figure this out for a few days. I have a background in programming in PHP and other languages. But I haven't programmed in a long time and trying to relearn as well as get into Java. I figured out (after some work) how to pull data from a URL (JSON) and then turn it into an object. I downloaded simpleJSON and fiddled with a lot of different code before I put something together that works on a basic level.

    package findscripturemain;
    // Required imports
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.net.*;  
    import java.io.*;  
    import org.json.simple.*;
    import org.json.simple.parser.*;
    public class findscripture {
    	public static void main(String args[]) {
    		// Basic information
    		System.out.println("By: Ninjakreborn");
    		// Open scanning
    		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    		// Basic variables
    		String book_name;
    		int chapter;
    		int verse;
    		// Gather book name, chapter and verse
    		System.out.println("What is the book name?");
    		book_name = scan.next();
    		System.out.println("What chapter?");
    		chapter = scan.nextInt();
    		System.out.println("What verse?");
    		verse = scan.nextInt();
    		// Print back what they have entered.		
    		System.out.println("You have selected " + book_name + " Chapter " + chapter + " verse " + verse);
    		// Grab verse text and display it
    	    String output  = getUrlContents("###");
    	    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    	    JSONObject obj;
    	    //JSONArray array;
    	    try {
    	    	obj = (JSONObject)parser.parse(output);
    	    	//array = (JSONArray)parser.parse(output);
    	    } catch(ParseException e) {
    	    // Close scanner
    	// Get the contents of a URL
    	private static String getUrlContents(String theUrl)  
    	    StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();  
    	  // Use try and catch to avoid the exceptions  
    	      URL url = new URL(theUrl); // creating a url object  
    	      URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); // creating a urlconnection object  
    	      urlConnection.setRequestProperty("api-key", "a0e5c440e7b198ddf9dfbc4fb3f42d99");
    	      // wrapping the urlconnection in a bufferedreader  
    	      BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream()));  
    	      String line;  
    	      // reading from the urlconnection using the bufferedreader  
    	      while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)  
    	        content.append(line + "\n");  
    	    catch(Exception e)  
    	    return content.toString();  

    That is the code that I put together after a lot of trial and error and learning. I wanted to get it into an array so it was easier to work with but I couldn't figure out how to make all that work. The output of the JSON is below.

    {"data":{"id":"JHN.3.16","orgId":"JHN.3.16","bookI d":"JHN","chapterId":"JHN.3","bibleId":"de4e12af7f 28f599-01","reference":"John 3:16","content":"<p class=\"p\"><span data-number=\"16\" data-sid=\"JHN 3:16\" class=\"v\">16</span><span class=\"wj\">ΒΆ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.</span> </p>","verseCount":1,"copyright":"\n \n PUBLIC DOMAIN except in the United Kingdom, where a Crown Copyright applies to printing the KJV. \n ","next":{"id":"JHN.3.17","number":"17"},"previous ":{"id":"JHN.3.15","number":"15"}},"meta":{"fums": "<script>\nvar _BAPI=_BAPI||{};\nif(typeof(_BAPI.t)==='undefined' ){\ndocument.write('\\x3Cscript src=\"'+document.location.protocol+'//cdn.scripture.api.bible/fums/fumsv2.min.js\"\\x3E\\x3C/script\\x3E');}\ndocument.write(\"\\x3Cscript\\x3E _BAPI.t('129becd7-df82-4052-b2db-5da3fec3291f');\\x3C/script\\x3E\");\n</script><noscript><img src=\"https://d3a2okcloueqyx.cloudfront.net/nf1?t='129becd7-df82-4052-b2db-5da3fec3291f'\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"height: 0; width: 0;\" /></noscript>","fumsId":"129becd7-df82-4052-b2db-5da3fec3291f","fumsJsInclude":"cdn.scripture.api.b ible/fums/fumsv2.min.js","fumsJs":"var _BAPI=_BAPI||{};if(typeof(_BAPI.t)!='undefined'){ _BAPI.t('129becd7-df82-4052-b2db-5da3fec3291f'); }","fumsNoScript":"<img src=\"https://d3btgtzu3ctdwx.cloudfront.net/nf1?t=129becd7-df82-4052-b2db-5da3fec3291f\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"height: 0; width: 0;\" />"}}

    So the issue is I don't know how to access variables underneath data. So data is the upper level but I don't know how to access id, orgId, book Id, and all this other data throughout the object that it has created.

    Any feedback is appreciated. Also any other tips and random advice on java in general will help. Because I'm trying to learn it.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Accessing deeper levels of JSON object

    Is your problem with using the java language
    or is it about how to use the classes and methods in the org.json.simple package?
    If the problems are with the import org.json.simple package, then you need to ask your questions on a site that supports that package.

    If the problems are with java, copy any relevant output and paste it here with your questions.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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