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Thread: I am trying to build a vocabulary learning program and need urgently help to solve issues with the method etc. to make it work

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2021
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    Exclamation I am trying to build a vocabulary learning program and need urgently help to solve issues with the method etc. to make it work

    I am a couple beginner and am trying to create a solution to learn new vocabulary (english - german).
    As I am stuck I need help to make it work as I am not sure nor currenty understand what to correct to make it work.
    I would appreciate if someone could help me to finish it.

    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Main {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    //--------------------- declarations ----------------------------------------		
    //--------------------- Greeting ----------------------------------------	     
    		 System.out.println("Willkommen im Wortschatz-Trainer!"); 
    //--------------------------------Input & List of words ---------------------------------------------
    		  Scanner keyScan = new Scanner(System.in);
    	      String [] deutsch = {"ja","nein","vielleicht","wo","wann","wer","Zug","Schiff","Fahrrad"};
    	      String [] englisch = {"yes","no","maybe","where","when","who","train","ship","bike"};
    	      int [] score = new int [deutsch.length];
    //--------------------------- Round 1---------------------------------------------------------------
    		System.out.println("Runde 1:");
    		for (int i=0; i<deutsch.length; i++) {
    			System.out.print("Englisch: "+englisch[i]+" Deutsch: ");
    			String answer = keyScan.nextLine();
    			// TODO: Prüfe die Antwort mit checkAnser. Speichere die Bewertung im Array score
    		//--------------------------- Check Answer --------------------------------------------		
    			System.out.print(checkAnswer(correct, answer));
    		//--------------------------- Save Points --------------------------------------------		
    //-------------------------------------- End Round 1 ---------------------------------------------				
    //----------------- Goto printScore ---------------------------	
    //-------------------------------------------- Finish -----------------------------------------------		
    //--------------------- Check if the entered Word is correct or false (give points) ----------------------------------------	   
    	static int checkAnswer( String wort, String eingabe) {
    	      // TODO
    	if (wort.equals(eingabe))	{
    		return 2;
    	}else if (wort.equalsIgnoreCase(eingabe)) {
    		return 1;
    		return 0;
    //--------------------- Score Output ----------------------------------------	   
    	   public static void printScore(int [] score) {
    	      // TODO
    int countR = 0;
    			int countFr = 0;
    			int countF = 0;
    			int count = 0;		
    									for (int y=0;y<score.length;y++) {
    										if (score [y]==2) {
    											count = count+score [y];
    										}else if (score [y]==1){
    											count = count+score [y];
    											countFr = countFr+1;
    										}else {
    					System.out.println("Richtig: "+countR+" Fast richtig: "+countFr+" Falsch: "+countF+" Punkte: "+count);					

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am trying to build a vocabulary learning program and need urgently help to solve issues with the method etc. to make it work

    need urgently help to solve issues
    Please make a list of the problems you are having. Then work on each problem one at a time.
    Post the list and your questions/comments about the problem you are having with the item you are working on.

    Please fix the indentations for the code. There is a section that has too much indentation.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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