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Thread: Kill Long Running Thread

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
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    Default Kill Long Running Thread

    I need to kill java invoke method to return searchResults if it is taking too long - put a timeout and kill the process - here is the code - please help experts

    package com.cadence.jira.cdnscfupdated.jql;
    import com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.search.SearchService;
    import com.atlassian.jira.bc.issue.search.SearchService.ParseResult;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser;
    import com.atlassian.jira.user.UserProjectHistoryManager;
    //import com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.Scanned;
    import com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.ComponentImport;
    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    import com.atlassian.jira.JiraDataType;
    import com.atlassian.jira.JiraDataTypes;
    import com.atlassian.jira.jql.operand.QueryLiteral;
    import com.atlassian.jira.jql.query.QueryCreationContext;
    import com.atlassian.jira.plugin.jql.function.AbstractJqlFunction;
    import com.atlassian.jira.util.MessageSet;
    import com.atlassian.query.Query;
    import com.atlassian.query.clause.TerminalClause;
    import com.atlassian.query.operand.FunctionOperand;
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.SearchException;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
    import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
    import java.util.concurrent.Future;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
    import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue;
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.changehistory.ChangeHistoryItem;
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.changehistory.ChangeHistoryManager;
    import com.atlassian.jira.issue.search.SearchResults;
    import com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.PagerFilter;
    import com.atlassian.jira.security.JiraAuthenticationContext;
    import com.atlassian.jira.jql.validator.NumberOfArgumentsValidator;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    public class cdnsCfUpdated extends AbstractJqlFunction {
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(cdnsCfUpdated.class);
        private final UserProjectHistoryManager userProjectHistoryManager;
    	public cdnsCfUpdated(UserProjectHistoryManager userProjectHistoryManager) {
    		this.userProjectHistoryManager = userProjectHistoryManager;
        MessageSet messageSet = null;
    	public MessageSet validate(ApplicationUser searcher, FunctionOperand operand, TerminalClause terminalClause) {
        	messageSet = new NumberOfArgumentsValidator(4, 4, getI18n()).validate(operand);
        //	messageSet = new NumberOfArgumentsValidator(NUM_OF_ARGUMENTS, NUM_OF_ARGUMENTS, getI18n()).validate(functionOperand);
        	String date = operand.getArgs().get(2);
        	String char1 = null;
        	String char2_c = null;
        	int char2 = 0;
        	char1 = date.substring(0,1);
        	if(date.contains("-") && (date.contains("d") || date.contains("w") || date.contains("y") || date.contains("M"))) {
        	char2_c = null;
        	if(date.contains("d")) {
        		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('d'));
        	} else if(date.contains("y")){
        		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('y'));
        	}else if(date.contains("M")){
        		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('M'));
        	}else if(date.contains("w")){
        		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('w'));
        	 char2 = Integer.parseInt(char2_c);  
        	String char3 = date.substring(date.length() - 1); 
        	if (!(date.contains("-") || (char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("d")) || (char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("y")) || (char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("M")) || (char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("w")) || date.equals("now()") || date.equals("startOfDay()") || date.equals("startOfWeek()") || date.equals("startOfMonth()") || date.equals("startOfYear()") || date.equals("endOfDay()") || date.equals("endOfWeek()") || date.equals("endOfMonth()") || date.equals("endOfYear()"))) {
        		messageSet.addErrorMessage("Date value '"+date+"' for function 'cdnsCfUpdated' is invalid. Valid formats include: 'yyyy-MM-dd' or date functions like: 'now()','startOfDay()', 'startOfWeek()', 'startOfMonth()', 'startOfYear()', 'endOfDay()', 'endOfWeek()', 'endOfMonth()', 'endOfYear()' or (-)nn( y | M | w | d )");
        		return messageSet;
            SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat =new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        	Date escalationDateTime;
    		try {
    			if (date.contains("-") && date.contains(":")) {
    				String[] dateTime = StringUtils.split(date,' ');
    	    		String tempDate = dateTime[0];
    	    		String tempTime = dateTime[1];
    	    		String[] timeArray = StringUtils.split(tempTime,':');
    	    		int tempHour = Integer.parseInt(timeArray[0]);
    	    		int tempMin = Integer.parseInt(timeArray[1]);
    	    		if (tempHour < 0 || tempHour > 23 || tempMin < 0 || tempMin > 59) {
    	    			messageSet.addErrorMessage("Date value :'"+date+"' is invalid.");
    	            	return messageSet;
    	    		}else {
    	    			escalationDateTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(tempDate);
    			else if (date.contains("-") && !date.contains("d") &&  !date.contains("w") && !date.contains("y") && !date.contains("M")) {
    				escalationDateTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(date);
    		} catch (ParseException e1) {
    			messageSet.addErrorMessage("Date value '"+date+"' is invalid.");
            	return messageSet;			
        	String operator = operand.getArgs().get(1);
        	if (!(operator.equals(">") || operator.equals("<") || operator.equals(">=") || operator.equals("<=") || operator.equals("="))) {
        		messageSet.addErrorMessage("Operator must be any of >, <, >=, <=, =");
        		return messageSet;
        	if (messageSet.hasAnyErrors()) {
        	    return messageSet;
        	messageSet = null;
        	//return this.validateNumberOfArgs(functionOperand, NUM_OF_ARGUMENTS);
    		//System.out.println("111111 "+customField);
            return validateNumberOfArgs(operand, 4);
        public List<QueryLiteral> getValues(QueryCreationContext queryCreationContext, FunctionOperand operand, TerminalClause terminalClause) {
            final List<QueryLiteral> literals = new LinkedList<>();
        	final List<String> arguments = operand.getArgs();
    		final String customField = arguments.get(0);
    		final String operator = arguments.get(1);
    		final String date = arguments.get(2);
    		final String query = arguments.get(3);
    		//System.out.println("Project :::: " + projectName);
    		String char1 = null;
    		String char2_c = null;
    		int char2 = 0;
    		String char3 = null;
    		//System.out.println("22222 "+customField);
    		//int l = date.length();
    		//System.out.println("Date length l  : " + l);
            List<QueryLiteral> values = new ArrayList<>();
            if (messageSet == null) {
    		try {
    			 char1 = date.substring(0,1);
    			if(date.contains("-") && (date.contains("d") || date.contains("w") || date.contains("y") || date.contains("M"))) {
    		    	if(date.contains("d")) {
    		    		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('d'));
    		    	} else if(date.contains("y")){
    		    		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('y'));
    		    	}else if(date.contains("M")){
    		    		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('M'));
    		    	}else if(date.contains("w")){
    		    		char2_c = date.substring(1,date.indexOf('w'));
    		    	 char2 = Integer.parseInt(char2_c);  
    				//System.out.println("Char1 ::: " + char1 + " Char2 ::: " + char2 + " Char3 ::: "+ char3);
    			char3 = date.substring(date.length() - 1); 
    			if (!(date.contains(":") || char3.equals("d") || char3.equals("y") || char3.equals("M") || char3.equals("w") || date.equals("now()") || date.equals("startOfDay()") || date.equals("startOfWeek()") || date.equals("startOfMonth()") || date.equals("startOfYear()") || date.equals("endOfDay()") || date.equals("endOfWeek()") || date.equals("endOfMonth()") || date.equals("endOfYear()"))) {
    	        //	date = date + " 00:00";
    	        Date nowDateTime = new Date();
    	        System.out.println("Current Date :::" + nowDateTime);	        
    	        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateTimeFormat =new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm");
    	        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat =new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    	        String startTempDate = simpleDateFormat.format(nowDateTime);
    	        String endTempDate = startTempDate;
    	        String tempDateTime = simpleDateTimeFormat.format(nowDateTime);	        
    	        Date startDateDay = new Date();
    	        String strDate_day = null;
    	        String strDate_mon = null;
    	        String strDate_Yr = null;
    	        String strDate_Wk = null;
    	        //System.out.println("Current Date My code :::" + startDateDay);
    	        if(char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("d")) {
    	        startDateDay.setDate(startDateDay.getDate() - char2);
    	        strDate_day = simpleDateFormat.format(startDateDay); 
    	        } else if(char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("M")) {
    	        startDateDay.setMonth(startDateDay.getMonth() - char2);
    	        strDate_mon = simpleDateFormat.format(startDateDay);
    	        }  else if(char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("y")) {
    	        startDateDay.setYear(startDateDay.getYear() - char2);
    	        strDate_Yr = simpleDateFormat.format(startDateDay);
    	        }  else if(char1.equals("-") && char3.equals("w")) {
    	        startDateDay.setDate(startDateDay.getDate() - 7*char2);
    	        strDate_Wk = simpleDateFormat.format(startDateDay);
    	        Date escalationDateTime = new Date();
    	        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    	        int year=cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    	        int month=cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    	        cal.set(year, 0, 1); 
    	        Date firstdate=cal.getTime();//first day of an year
    	        String startFirstdate = simpleDateFormat.format(firstdate);
                //startFirstdate = startFirstdate + " 00:00";
    	        Date enddate=cal.getTime();//last day of an year
    	        cal.set(year, month, 1);
    	        Date startOfMonth=cal.getTime();//first day a month
    	        String startstartOfMonth = simpleDateFormat.format(startOfMonth);
    	        String endEnddate = simpleDateFormat.format(enddate);
                //endEnddate = endEnddate + " 23:59";
    	        cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    	        int daysQty = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    	        cal.set(year, month, daysQty);
    	        Date endOfMonth=cal.getTime();//last day of a month
    	        String endEndOfMonth = simpleDateFormat.format(endOfMonth);
                //endEndOfMonth = endEndOfMonth + " 23:59";
    	        int dayNm = escalationDateTime.getDay();
    	        int firstDay = -dayNm;
    	        int endDay = dayNm;
    	        cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    	        cal.add(Calendar.DATE, firstDay);
    	        cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    	        Date startOfWeek = cal.getTime();//first day a week
    	        String startStartOfWeek = simpleDateFormat.format(startOfWeek);
                //startStartOfWeek = startStartOfWeek + " 00:00";
    	        Date endOfWeek = cal.getTime();//last day a week
    	        String endEndOfWeek = simpleDateFormat.format(endOfWeek);
                //endEndOfWeek = endEndOfWeek + " 23:59";
    	        if (!(date.equals("now()") || char3.equals("d") || char3.equals("y") || char3.equals("M") || char3.equals("w") || date.equals("startOfDay()") || date.equals("startOfWeek()") || date.equals("startOfMonth()") || date.equals("startOfYear()") || date.equals("endOfDay()") || date.equals("endOfWeek()") || date.equals("endOfMonth()") || date.equals("endOfYear()"))) {
    	        	if (date.contains(":")){
    	        		escalationDateTime = simpleDateTimeFormat.parse(date);
    	        	}else {
    	        		escalationDateTime = simpleDateFormat.parse(date);
    	        List<Long> searchParamIssueIds = null;
    			//IssueEscalation[] escalatedIssues;
    	        if (date.equals("now()")) 
    	        	searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, startTempDate,date,query);
    	        else if (date.equals("startOfWeek()")) {
    				searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, startStartOfWeek,date,query);
    	        else if (date.equals("startOfDay()")) {				
    	        	searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, startTempDate,date,query);
            	else if (date.equals("startOfMonth()")) {
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, startstartOfMonth,date,query);
            	else if (date.equals("startOfYear()")) {
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, startFirstdate,date,query); 	  
            	else if (date.equals("endOfMonth()")) {
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, endEndOfMonth,date,query); 
            	else if (date.equals("endOfWeek()")) {
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, endEndOfWeek,date,query); 
            	else if (date.equals("endOfDay()")) {
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, endTempDate,date,query); 
            	else if (date.equals("endOfYear()")) {
            			searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, endEnddate,date,query); 
            	else if(char3.equals("d") ){
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, strDate_day,date,query); 
            	else if(char3.equals("M") ){
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, strDate_mon,date,query); 
            	else if(char3.equals("y") ){
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, strDate_Yr ,date,query); 
            	else if(char3.equals("w") ){
            		searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, strDate_Wk ,date,query); 
    				searchParamIssueIds = getIssuesIdByJQL(customField, operator, date,date,query);
    	        for(Long userHistoryItem : searchParamIssueIds) {
    	        	final String value = userHistoryItem.toString();
    	        	try {
    	                literals.add(new QueryLiteral(operand, Long.parseLong(value)));
    	            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    	              //  log.warn(String.format("User history returned a non numeric project IS '%s'.", value));
    	            }	        }
    		} catch (ParseException e) {
    			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
            return literals;
        public int getMinimumNumberOfExpectedArguments() {
            return 0;
        public JiraDataType getDataType() {
            return JiraDataTypes.ISSUE;
        private static List<Long> getIssuesIdByJQL(String customField, String operatorPassed, String passedDate, String action, String query1)  {
        	//final String jql="project = \"OKTA\" and createdDate >= \"2010/10/01\" and issue != \"OKTA-3\"";
        	final String jql;
        	//System.out.println("33333 passed dateeeeeeeeeee"+passedDate);
        	String passedStartDateTime = passedDate+" 00:00";
        	String passedEndDateTime = passedDate+" 23:59";
        	System.out.println(" JQL : " + query1);
        	if (action.equals("endOfDay()") || action.equals("endOfWeek()") || action.equals("endOfMonth()") || action.equals("endOfYear()")) 
        		passedStartDateTime = passedDate+" 23:59";	
        	if (action.contains("startOf") && operatorPassed.equals(">")){    		
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate > '"+passedStartDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  > '"+passedStartDateTime+"')";
        	else if (action.contains("startOf") && operatorPassed.equals(">")){    		
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate > '"+passedEndDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  > '"+passedEndDateTime+"')";
        	}else if (action.contains("startOf") && operatorPassed.equals(">=")){    		
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"')";
        	}else if(action.contains("startOf") && operatorPassed.equals("<")){    		
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate < '"+passedStartDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  < '"+passedStartDateTime+"')";
        	}else if(action.contains("startOf") && operatorPassed.equals("<=")){    		
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate <= '"+passedEndDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  <= '"+passedEndDateTime+"')";
        	}else if((action.contains("-") && (action.contains("d") || action.contains("y") || action.contains("w") || action.contains("M"))) && operatorPassed.equals(">")){
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate > '"+passedStartDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  > '"+passedStartDateTime+"')";
        	}else if((action.contains("-") && (action.contains("d") || action.contains("y") || action.contains("w") || action.contains("M"))) && operatorPassed.equals(">")){
        		//jql="(project = \"" + project_name + "\") and (createdDate > '"+passedEndDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  > '"+passedEndDateTime+"')";
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate > '"+passedEndDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  > '"+passedEndDateTime+"')";
        	}else if((action.contains("-") && (action.contains("d") || action.contains("y") || action.contains("w") || action.contains("M"))) && operatorPassed.equals(">=")){
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"')";
        	}else if((action.contains("-") && (action.contains("d") || action.contains("y") || action.contains("w") || action.contains("M"))) && operatorPassed.equals("<")){
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate < '"+passedStartDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  < '"+passedStartDateTime+"')";
        	}else if((action.contains("-") && (action.contains("d") || action.contains("y") || action.contains("w") || action.contains("M")))  && operatorPassed.equals("<=")){
        		jql= query1 + " and (createdDate <= '"+passedEndDateTime+"'  or updatedDate  <= '"+passedEndDateTime+"')";
        		jql= query1 + " and ((createdDate >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"')  or (updatedDate  >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"'))";
        		//jql = "(project = \"" + query1 + "\") and ((createdDate >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"')  or (updatedDate  >= '"+passedStartDateTime+"'))";
        	System.out.println("33333 "+jql);
            JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext();
            ApplicationUser loggedInUser = authenticationContext.getLoggedInUser();
            List<Long> issuesKeys = new ArrayList<>();
            SearchService searchService = ComponentAccessor.getComponentOfType(SearchService.class);
            ParseResult parseResult = searchService.parseQuery(loggedInUser, jql);
            if (parseResult.isValid()) {
    			Query query = searchService.parseQuery(loggedInUser, jql).getQuery();
    			List<Issue> issues = null;
    			try {
    				SearchResults<Issue> searchResults = searchService.search(loggedInUser, query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter());
    				try {
    	                Method newGetMethod = null;
    	                try {
    	                        newGetMethod = SearchResults.class.getMethod("getIssues");
    	                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    	                	System.out.println("Catch on linme 406" + e);
    	                        try {
    	                                newGetMethod = SearchResults.class.getMethod("getResults");
    	                        } catch (NoSuchMethodError e2) {
    	                        	System.out.println("Catch on linme 411" + e2); 
    	                if (newGetMethod != null) {
    	                	try {
    	                	System.out.println("Inside try of newGetMethod Invoke");
    	                	issues = (List<Issue>) newGetMethod.invoke(searchResults);                                                           //here is the call to invole searchResults
    	                	} catch (Exception einvoke) {
    	                		System.out.println("Exception in method invoke" + einvoke);
    	                } else {  
    	                	System.out.println("Catch on line 424");
    	                        throw new RuntimeException("ICT: SearchResults Service from JIRA NOT AVAILABLE (getIssue / getResults)");
    				}  catch (Exception e) {
    					System.out.println("Catch on linme 430" + e);
    			} catch (SearchException e) {
    				System.out.println("Catch on linme 433" + e);
    				log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                for (Issue issue : issues) {
                	//System.out.println("44444 "+issue);
                    ChangeHistoryManager changeHistoryManager = ComponentAccessor.getChangeHistoryManager();
                    List<ChangeHistoryItem> items = changeHistoryManager.getAllChangeItems(issue);
                    for (ChangeHistoryItem item : items) {
                    	String field = item.getField();
                		Timestamp historyDate = item.getCreated();
                	    String S = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(historyDate);
                	    String[] parts = S.split(" ");
                	    //System.out.println(operatorPassed + "History Date--------:" + parts[0]);
                	    //System.out.println("Passed date--------:" + passedDate);
                	    Date historyDateObj = null;
    					try {
    						historyDateObj = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(parts[0].toString());
    					} catch (ParseException e) {	
                	    Date passedDateObj = null;
    					try {
    						passedDateObj = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(passedDate.toString());
    					} catch (ParseException e) {
    					if (field.equals(customField))
    	         	       if (operatorPassed.equals(">")){
    	            	      if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) > 0) {
    	            	          System.out.println("Date history occurs after Date passed");
    	        	       if (operatorPassed.equals("<")){
    	            	       if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) < 0) {
    	            	          System.out.println("Date history occurs before Date passed");
    	        	       if (operatorPassed.equals("=")){
    	            	       if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) == 0) {
    	            	          System.out.println("Both dates are equal");
    	        	       if (operatorPassed.equals(">=")){
    	            	       if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) == 0) {
    	            	          //System.out.println("Both dates are equal 1");
    	            	      if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) > 0) {
    	            	          //System.out.println("Date history occurs after Date passed 1");
    	        	       if (operatorPassed.equals("<=")){
    	        	    	   if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) == 0) {
    	            	          //System.out.println("Both dates are equal 2");
    	        	    	   if(historyDateObj.compareTo(passedDateObj) < 0) {
    	            	          //System.out.println("Date history occurs after Date passed 2");
            } else {
               // throw new JqlParseException(null, parseResult.getErrors().toString());
            return issuesKeys;        

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Eastern Florida
    Thanked 2,725 Times in 2,675 Posts

    Default Re: Kill Long Running Thread

    If there is a loop inside the running code that you want to stop, add a test to determine if the user wants to stop the loop.
    If the condition is true, exit the loop with results. A simple test would be if a boolean variable is true:
       if(stopCode) {
          return theResults;

    Set the boolean to true when you want to stop the loop.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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