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Thread: Random numbers generator that takes user input of min and max from Jtextfield

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy Random numbers generator that takes user input of min and max from Jtextfield

    Please help!!!!

    Start range in this case refers to the lower limit and end range refers to the upper limit. For example, a person may choose to generate 8 random numbers within the range of 10 to 50. The start range in this case will be 10, the upper range will be 50, and the number of random numbers to be generated will be 8.
     After the user is done selecting the three input values above (you have to choose the most appropriate input method which could be for example using a text field or a combo box), he/she has to click a button in order to generate the random numbers.
     The generated random numbers should be displayed in an appropriate output component. This component should be able to display results from more than one spins (button clicks).
     The user upon clicking a button should be able to clear all the values selected by clearing all the fields and/or setting field values to a specified default.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random numbers generator that takes user input of min and max from Jtextfield

    What have you tried?

    Post your current code wrapped in code tags and ask questions about what problems you are having.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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