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Thread: I am a student in my first Java class. so far all has gone well, this new code is just not working

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default I am a student in my first Java class. so far all has gone well, this new code is just not working

    it seems simple and I was confident. I input a tweet string and then parse it out. the first two lines went well and I thought it would just be a repeat.

    "#typ fire; #det firefighter sees a glow; #loc sw from west coach rd toward sunshine canyon;
    #lat 40.0515; #lng -105.332;"
    Type: FIRE
    Detail: firefighter sees a glow
    Location: sw from west coach rd toward sunshine canyon
    Latitude: p fire
    Longitude: p fire

    should be
    Type: FIRE
    Detail: firefighter sees a glow
    Location: sw from west coach rd toward sunshine canyon
    Latitude: 40.0515
    Longitude: -105.332

    again it seems my first three fields work, and I have used the same logic for the last two fields.
    I am guessing it has something to do with the wraping of the text, i.e. it is on two lines?

    any help is appreciated

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class ParseTheTweet {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    System.out.println("Enter a tweet below");

    Scanner tweetInput = new Scanner(System.in);

    String tweet = tweetInput.nextLine();
    tweet = tweet.replace(',','-');

    String type, detail, location, latitude, longitude;

    int startType = tweet.indexOf("#typ");
    int startDetail = tweet.indexOf("#det");
    int startLoc = tweet.indexOf("#loc");
    int startLat = tweet.indexOf("#lat");
    int startLng = tweet.indexOf("#lng");
    int finishType = tweet.indexOf(";", startType);
    int finishDetail = tweet.indexOf(";", startDetail);
    int finishLoc = tweet.indexOf(";", startLoc);
    int finishLat = tweet.indexOf(";", startLat);
    int finishLng = tweet.indexOf(";", startLng);

    //these ten variables mark the start and finish of the index positions needed for the substrings

    type = tweet.substring(startType + 5 , finishType);
    type = type.toUpperCase();
    String typeTrimmed = type.trim();
    System.out.print("\nType: \t\t\t");

    detail = tweet.substring(startDetail +5, finishDetail);
    String detTrimmed = detail.trim();
    System.out.print("Detail: \t\t");

    location = tweet.substring(startLoc + 5, finishLoc);
    String locTrimmed = location.trim();
    System.out.print("Location: \t\t");

    latitude = tweet.substring(startLat + 5, finishLat);
    String latTrimmed = latitude.trim();
    System.out.print("Latitude: \t\t");

    longitude = tweet.substring(startLng + 5, finishLng);
    String lngTrimmed = longitude.trim();
    System.out.print("Longitude: \t\t");

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: I am a student in my first Java class. so far all has gone well, this new code is just not working

    Latitude: p fire
    Is that line the problem?
    Is this the input?
    "#typ fire; #det firefighter sees a glow; #loc sw from west coach rd toward sunshine canyon;
    #lat 40.0515; #lng -105.332;"
    Where does the value: "p fire" come from? It looks like it came from the first line of the input, skipping over the #ty

    The code should check for #lat to be sure that the data is as expected.

    Please edit your post and wrap your code with code tags:


    to get highlighting and preserve formatting.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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