i created a database like this, create table createpincode(id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,serialno char(30) Not NULL, pincode char(30)NOT NULL, type char(30)NOT NULL,primary key(1d));
it works fine without the auto-increment, but now i'm havin an error at the JBOSSpublic void createpins2(int pins, String type){ String id=null; try{ pinlocal=pinhome.create(new Integer(id),serialno,pins,type){ catch(Exception ex){ex.getmessage();}
The error is
EjbException in method: public abstract void sessions.NewSessionLocalBusiness.create(int,java.l ang.String):
at Sessions.NewSessionBean.Createpins2(NewsseeionBean .java:271)
at sun.reflect.nativemethodAcessorImp.invoke(unknown source).