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Thread: Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.JreLocator

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.JreLocator

    I am not sure if I am posting to the right forum but since I recived help here before I figured I'd give it a try. A user recently got a new computer with Window 7. The application is a desktop web start application. jre 1.9.0_30 is installed but when he tries to launch the application he gets the following error.

    Title: Java Virtual Machine Launcher

    Error: Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.JreLocator. Program will exit.

    I search around on the web but I could not find any references to a JreLocator. Could any body point me in the right direction?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.JreLocator

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Could not find the main class: com.sun.deploy.panel.JreLocator

    I think this is what is causing the issue. I will update later when I know for sure

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