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Thread: InputMismatchException -- I don't understand the logic here; missing something

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default InputMismatchException -- I don't understand the logic here; missing something

    javaranch.com for some reason isn't saving my intended post, so I'm trying here.

    Am trying to set up a main menu to add contacts to a list:

    public void showMenu() {//open method
    			int mainChoice=0;
    			Scanner mainMenuChoice = new Scanner(System.in);
    				while (mainChoice!=4) {//open while loop
    				System.out.println("Main Menu:");
    				System.out.println("1: Add Contact");
    				System.out.println("2: Edit/Delete Contact");
    				System.out.println("3: Search For Contact");
    				System.out.println("4: Quit Application");
    				try {
    					System.out.print("Enter Choice: ");
    					mainChoice = mainMenuChoice.nextInt();
    				}catch (InputMismatchException e){
    					System.out.println("The entry must be a number between 1 and 4 inclusive");
    			if (mainChoice==4){
    			if (mainChoice==1) {//open if loop for choices
    						}//close if loop
    		}//close while loop
    	}//close showMenu() method

    Here's the output problem:

    Main Menu:
    1: Add Contact
    2: Edit/Delete Contact
    3: Search For Contact
    4: Quit Application
    Enter Choice: p
    The entry must be a number between 1 and 4 inclusive
    Main Menu:
    1: Add Contact
    2: Edit/Delete Contact
    3: Search For Contact
    4: Quit Application
    Enter Choice: 4
    Main Menu:
    1: Add Contact
    2: Edit/Delete Contact
    3: Search For Contact
    4: Quit Application
    Enter Choice: The entry must be a number between 1 and 4 inclusive
    Main Menu:
    1: Add Contact
    2: Edit/Delete Contact
    3: Search For Contact
    4: Quit Application
    Enter Choice:

    Not sure if I'm misunderstanding try/catch loops, variable scope, etc. the problem only occurs if I enter the number 4 after a non-integer entry. Can someone help me out?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: InputMismatchException -- I don't understand the logic here; missing something

    Answered here: https://coderanch.com/t/750095/java/...atch-exception
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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