Im writing a class called PolygonPanel. The class stores the users mouse clicks and redraws a polyline everytime the user clicks the mouse, then when the user presses the c key the polyline becomes a polygon and the coordinates of the polygon are stored in a text file
The problem i am having is trying to get the save method to work in the paintComponent method. Any help would be appreciated and i can provide more of the class if needed.
below is the paintComponent and the save method of the PolygonPanel
public void paintComponent (Graphics page) { page.setColor (; page.drawPolyline(x_coords, y_coords, numPoints); if (capture == true)// in other words when user presses c key { page.drawPolygon (x_coords, y_coords, numPoints); save("SavedPolygons.rtf");//write the coordinates to this file //resests the coordinates for another polygon/polyline to be created for (int i = 0; i<numPoints; i++) { x_coords[numPoints] = 0; y_coords[numPoints] = 0; } numPoints = 0; } } public void save(String file) throws IOException { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(file)); out.println(toString()); out.close(); }