Hi all, I am new to java and what I have learned so far I thoroughly enjoy! I am currently stuck on direction for this code I have to write. I am not looking for someone to do the work for me, but I am truly having a problem even getting started. Any help would be awesome!
Here are the instructions:
Implement a program to read and search the text database for a furniture store.
1. Use the following classes:
o Store
o Furniture
o Manufacturer
2. Use the ArrayList class to hold instances of Furniture and Manufacturer. Be sure to use generics appropriately.
3. Use a text data file with the following format - which you may extend, and may be extended in the later projects
All the
classes should be provided with appropriate:
o constructors
o toString implementations
o additional methods
o instance variables connecting the class to appropriate instances of other classes
4. A GUI that will display allow the user to minimally:
o search on furniture or manufacturer index
o search on type
o seach on style
5. The GUI class(es) should be distinct from the other classes in the program.
SO... I've written the GUI class, which I can provide (I've also created the other classes but they are practically empty), and here is the database sample text I have
M:<32>:<Junior LLC>:<10 binary St>:<Binaryville>:<MD>:<20853>:<(301)-123-4567>
M:<37>:<Macy's Inc>:<8 Spring Lake>:<Old Town>:<MD>:<20906>:<(301)-193-4767>
M:<38>:<Java Corp>:<19 Duke Pl>:<O Town>:<SC>:<30210>:<(301)-945-3218>
I'm unclear on what information the classes (Store, Furniture, Manufacturer) should hold and how to link them to the database. Like I said, I'm new to this!