Hi, I need to code a primitive text editor for school that can edit text files with the following methods:
1. String spellCheck () // finds the first occurrence of spelling error and returns the misspelled word. If no word is misspelled returns "Spell Check Passed".
2. void spellCheckAll() // find all misspelled words and output them to the screen.
These methods are supposed to use a text file of some 10,000 words as their "dictionary." The methods will need to be applied to long text files (300+ page books). I was planning on representing the text files as huge Strings, but I'm not sure how I would search through them word by word to compare to my dictionary list. I could change the way that I represent the files in memory, but Strings seem to be the most convenient data structure for the other methods I need for the editor. Can anyone help?
Thanks for your help