My problem is the following :
I have a CSVReader file done with Bufferedreader, it's really stange I have a CSV file with 86 fields and containt 4679 line .. the BuferedReader works fine. I got each lines.
But I have an other CSV file with 87 fields , I juts add an extra field from the previous file.
The buffered reader stuck at the line 25 and get just a part of it.
the extra field contain value like this c203eb08-54d2-2356-b7654-45bd5fd1uf56
If I change this value for joe example ... my CSVreader works fine ...
When I'm tracking the code the problem is comming from the method readLine().
So do you have an idea ?
I tried to change my CSV Reader class to user scanner but I gor the same problem