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Thread: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

  1. #1
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Cool Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    The following code reads the image file and store its Pixel values(ARGB) in text file....'
    A - Alpha'
    R - Red'
    G - Green'
    B - Blue'
    package imageScrambler.image_encrypt;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import java.io.*;
    public class e1_convert
        public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
            File output_file=new File("D:/pixels.txt");                   //Output Text file
            PrintStream out=new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(output_file));
             * If you try this code,
             * take image of 30 x 30 dimensions'
             * as it takes less time to execute...'
            BufferedImage image = readImage("D:/rainbow.jpg");               //Input Image file
        public static void printAllARGBDetails(BufferedImage image)
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();
            int pix_num=1;
            int total_pix=width*height;
            System.out.println("Image Scrambler");   
            System.out.println("Image Dimension: Height-" + height + ", Width-" + width);
            System.out.println("Total Pixels: " + (height * width));
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    int pixel = image.getRGB(i, j);
                    String idata=(getARGBPixelData(pixel));
                    System.out.print("Pixel ("+i+","+j+"): ");
                    if(pix_num<total_pix)       //To delete the line that generates at end of file
        public static String getARGBPixelData(int pixel)
            String ARGBvalue="";
            int alpha = (pixel >> 24) & 0x000000FF;
            int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0x000000FF;
            int green = (pixel >>8 ) & 0x000000FF;
            int blue = (pixel) & 0x000000FF;
            ARGBvalue = alpha + " " + red + " " + green + " " + blue;
            return ARGBvalue;
        public static BufferedImage readImage(String fileLocation) throws IOException
            BufferedImage img = null;
            img = ImageIO.read(new File(fileLocation));
            return img;
    Now the problem is that , I want input as text file "pixels.txt" and after executing the program, the output would be original image again as "rainbow.jpg"
    I am unable to get idea how should I start...?
    Plz help..............................'
    I m stuck....'
    .................................................. ........'

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    What is to be written to the text file? A text file normally has Strings, not binary.
    Would each of the 4 pixel values be a String of 3 numeric digits? With possible values being:
    "000" to "255"?

    Also posted at: http://www.java-forums.org/new-java/...file-java.html
    Last edited by Norm; September 21st, 2012 at 07:33 AM.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  3. #3
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    What is to be written to the text file? A text file normally has Strings, not binary.
    Would each of the 4 pixel values be a String of 3 numeric digits? With possible values being:
    "000" to "255"?
    The other data is not important '
    The text file contains the following data'
    255 117 194 250 255 115 196 251 255 108 200 251 255 108 204 254 255 111 207 255 255 112 207 255 255 115 207 254 255 120 211 255 255 126 219 255 255 124 220 255 255 122 219 254 255 127 222 254 255 136 227 255 255 136 225 255 255 137 224 252 255 141 227 252 255 144 228 252 255 144 229 250 255 147 232 252 255 148 233 254 255 149 231 255 255 149 231 255 255 149 229 252 255 148 228 251 255 147 224 252 255 144 220 252 255 145 224 255 255 144 224 255 255 140 223 255 255 129 214 253 255 110 195 249 255 98 186 249 255 98 186 255 255 91 178 255 255 87 172 255 255 84 166 252 255 78 158 243 255 77 159 245 255 76 161 252 255 71 158 251 255 68 152 248 255 68 156 246 255 61 156 238 255 72 161 241 255 87 162 245 255 93 169 247 255 60 147 216 255 76 169 226 255 91 179 225 255 90 179 219 255 93 190 225 255 101 204 239 255 94 198 235 255 107 212 244 255 105 205 231 255 108 204 226 255 103 196 213 255 118 210 225 255 100 191 209 255 112 203 224 255 97 189 214 255 83 176 209 255 63 154 198 255 53 144 199 255 48 143 207 255 24 121 190 255 25 120 188 255 51 144 211 255 45 141 202 255 28 127 184 255 32 134 183 255 27 132 179 255 22 127 174 255 32 134 183 255 33 128 182 255 33 124 181 255 21 107 164 255 21 106 160 255 38 124 173 255 30 116 163 255 27 116 160 255 29 119 154 255 31 121 145 255 29 116 135 255 34 115 134 255 78 157 172 255 54 134 143 255 64 125 118 255 101 120 92 255 84 79 37 255 64 53 7 255 104 94 45 255 74 70 22 255 28 28 0 255 74 77 24 255 85 88 35 255 144 148 97 255 71 75 24 255 57 61 10 255 111 190 246 255 115 198 252 255 106 198 249 255 100 198 247 255 106 204 251 255 107 203 251 255 108 200 247 255 112 205 249 255 112 208 248 255 118 216 253 255 119 217 252 255 119 216 249 255 126 219 250 255 133 222 252 255 134 224 251 255 138 225 252 255 140 226 249 255 140 227 247 255 143 230 250 255 147 234 254 255 148 232 255 255 148 230 254 255 146 228 250 255 145 225 248 255 144 224 251 255 141 220 251 255 142 221 254 255 138 221 253 255 135 220 251 255 123 211 249 255 107 194 247 255 97 187 250 255 90 181 252 255 87 177 255 255 75 161 244 255 80 164 250 255 84 166 250 255 73 157 243 255 69 157 247 255 63 152 246 255 67 154 249 255 63 152 244 255 70 165 247 255 61 152 231 255 63 139 223 255 67 142 223 255 71 158 227 255 68 161 220 255 85 173 219 255 78 170 209 255 93 190 225 255 93 193 229 255 85 189 226 255 98 203 235 255 103 205 228 255 100 200 216 255 106 202 216 255 98 192 204 255 86 179 197 255 94 186 209 255 81 175 201 255 70 163 196 255 67 156 200 255 42 133 186 255 22 120 183 255 48 147 215 255 33 127 197 255 50 143 210 255 29 125 186 255 35 134 191 255 23 124 176 255 30 135 182 255 26 131 178 255 20 122 171 255 17 114 167 255 17 108 165 255 16 102 159 255 14 99 153 255 17 103 152 255 25 114 158 255 27 116 158 255 17 107 142 255 41 131 157 255 22 111 129 255 35 118 134 255 68 147 160 255 61 140 145 255 62 122 114 255 90 109 79 255 126 123 80 255 88 80 33 255 74 64 15 255 117 113 65 255 44 42 0 255 42 42 0 255 84 84 34 255 74 76 27 255 21 23 0 255 71 73 26 255 118 197 255 255 108 193 248 255 102 196 248 255 102 202 252 255 101 201 250 255 101 199 246 255 106 201 249 255 109 204 250 255 107 204 246 255 114 212 251 255 116 214 249 255 117 214 247 255 124 217 250 255 130 221 252 255 133 224 253 255 135 226 253 255 137 227 251 255 138 226 248 255 142 230 252 255 147 235 255 255 148 234 255 255 146 232 255 255 144 228 252 255 144 226 250 255 141 222 251 255 139 220 250 255 138 221 255 255 135 219 255 255 131 217 252 255 120 209 249 255 104 194 247 255 94 186 251 255 79 171 244 255 81 174 252 255 70 161 244 255 66 154 241 255 74 160 247 255 68 156 245 255 63 152 244 255 63 153 249 255 58 146 243 255 57 148 239 255 70 166 252 255 70 161 244 255 71 149 232 255 88 165 245 255 85 173 245 255 71 164 225 255 77 168 215 255 85 177 216 255 96 192 230 255 90 188 225 255 108 210 248 255 103 206 237 255 94 197 216 255 108 210 222 255 83 184 192 255 103 201 212 255 87 182 200 255 94 188 213 255 76 167 196 255 67 157 192 255 53 140 185 255 50 140 193 255 35 130 194 255 16 114 185 255 35 129 201 255 32 126 196 255 26 121 187 255 19 118 177 255 18 122 173 255 17 123 171 255 22 128 176 255 11 112 164 255 18 115 170 255 17 110 167 255 5 94 150 255 11 98 152 255 19 107 155 255 14 100 147 255 25 112 157 255 12 100 138 255 16 107 134 255 20 111 130 255 29 117 131 255 58 141 149 255 51 126 129 255 53 109 96 255 85 107 71 255 104 103 55 255 112 104 57 255 58 48 0 255 97 90 38 255 53 47 0 255 66 62 14 255 48 45 0 255 68 66 25 255 38 36 0 255 59 57 18 255 112 194 252 255 115 201 255 255 102 199 252 255 94 196 245 255 100 202 251 255 102 204 252 255 104 202 251 255 111 207 255 255 110 209 251 255 109 211 251 255 111 214 249 255 117 217 251 255 123 220 253 255 127 222 254 255 129 224 254 255 134 228 255 255 139 231 255 255 137 229 252 255 138 230 253 255 142 234 255 255 143 233 255 255 143 231 255 255 144 230 255 255 144 230 255 255 137 220 250 255 137 220 252 255 137 221 255 255 133 222 255 255 130 220 254 255 118 211 252 255 100 194 248 255 92 187 253 255 82 178 252 255 76 171 251 255 77 169 254 255 66 158 245 255 67 156 246 255 66 157 248 255 64 157 252 255 90 185 255 255 62 155 250 255 52 147 239 255 71 169 255 255 67 159 244 255 59 139 224 255 92 170 252 255 69 157 231 255 69 163 225 255 75 170 218 255 69 165 205 255 94 190 228 255 102 200 237 255 101 201 237 255 100 201 231 255 105 206 224 255 92 195 204 255 100 201 209 255 92 193 203 255 85 181 203 255 92 187 215 255 81 174 207 255 64 154 191 255 63 152 196 255 63 154 207 255 10 108 173 255 20 121 191 255 14 111 182 255 14 108 178 255 38 133 199 255 25 123 184 255 31 135 188 255 17 123 173 255 23 129 177 255 19 123 174 255 8 105 160 255 10 103 162 255 21 110 168 255 24 111 165 255 22 110 160 255 11 99 145 255 22 111 155 255 25 115 152 255 16 111 141 255 15 110 132 255 31 123 136 255 58 141 147 255 57 129 128 255 67 118 101 255 74 92 54 255 82 82 32 255 103 95 48 255 89 77 29 255 79 69 16 255 52 45 0 255 61 54 8 255 86 81 39 255 70 66 28 255 40 38 0 255 81 77 39 255 110 196 255 255 99 190 247 255 96 195 250 255 99 203 254 255 95 199 250 255 94 199 247 255 103 203 253 255 106 206 255 255 108 211 254 255 108 211 252 255 110 214 251 255 114 217 252 255 121 219 254 255 124 221 254 255 126 223 255 255 129 227 255 255 135 231 255 255 134 228 253 255 135 229 254 255 137 231 255 255 138 230 255 255 136 228 253 255 138 228 252 255 141 228 255 255 136 221 252 255 135 221 254 255 133 221 255 255 131 221 255 255 128 220 255 255 116 212 254 255 98 193 251 255 90 187 255 255 82 179 255 255 70 169 252 255 72 168 252 255 62 158 245 255 63 156 249 255 68 161 255 255 55 152 247 255 58 157 251 255 51 150 244 255 50 149 242 255 56 155 246 255 68 162 250 255 59 141 227 255 68 149 231 255 77 167 245 255 50 145 211 255 63 163 213 255 78 180 220 255 92 191 230 255 97 195 232

  4. #4
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Yes.............thats my post only...'

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    How do you know the width and height of the image you want to create from the file of pixel data?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  6. #6
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    @Norm, is there any way so that i can read first 4 pixel value, and store in image pixel(0,0), then next 4 at (0,1)...till(height,width)'
    If any image is of dimension 30 x 30 , then pixel value ranges from (0,0) to (29,29)'
    Total 900 pixels..'

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    If width = height then the sqrt of the length of the file (div by number of bytes per pixel) would give the width and height.
    Every pixel's value is in the next 12+ bytes. Read the bytes, convert them to an int and set the pixel.

    Given "255 117 194 250"
    you need to work on converting that String to an int. Each set of three digits is the value of the corresponding byte in the int.
    Last edited by Norm; September 21st, 2012 at 08:10 AM.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  8. #8
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Yes...but that was just an example...'
    What if image dimension is 20 x 30...or any other.................'
    And didn't get the next part....'
    Every pixel's value is in the next 12+ bytes. Read the bytes, convert them to an int and set the pixel.
    Even ...
    Read the bytes, convert them to an int and set the pixel.
    Reading is eacsy, converting can be done, but there is no method in java to set pixel...'

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Is there a method in the same class that getRGB() is in?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  10. #10
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Is there a method in the same class that getRGB() is in?
    Do you mean about this method?'
    image.setRGB(x, y, rgb)

  11. #11
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Have you tried it?
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  12. #12
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Thanx frnz for posts.........................'clap):
    Now, the pixel value is stored in an array....'
    Now, my output is:
    Pixel 1: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 2: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 3: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 4: 255 085 140 066
    Pixel 5: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 6: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 7: 255 231 188 167
    Pixel 8: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 9: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 10: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 11: 255 226 125 144
    Pixel 12: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 13: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 14: 255 062 187 099
    Pixel 15: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 16: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 17: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 18: 255 212 177 189
    Pixel 19: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 20: 255 040 158 100
    Pixel 21: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 22: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 23: 255 248 253 249
    Pixel 24: 255 165 169 231
    Pixel 25: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 26: 255 130 142 059
    Pixel 27: 255 207 183 207
    Pixel 28: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 29: 255 225 219 242
    Pixel 30: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 31: 255 212 147 134
    Pixel 32: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 33: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 34: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 35: 255 198 106 046
    Pixel 36: 255 153 098 126
    Pixel 37: 255 233 239 248
    Pixel 38: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 39: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 40: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 41: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 42: 255 111 086 163
    Pixel 43: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 44: 255 255 255 255
    Pixel 45: 255 086 082 180
    Pixel 46: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 47: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 48: 255 255 255 255
    Pixel 49: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 50: 255 147 153 227
    Pixel 51: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 52: 255 067 076 205
    Pixel 53: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 54: 255 230 115 130
    Pixel 55: 255 204 187 219
    Pixel 56: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 57: 255 207 191 219
    Pixel 58: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 59: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 60: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 61: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 62: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 63: 255 068 071 199
    Pixel 64: 255 192 184 230
    Pixel 65: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 66: 255 223 165 153
    Pixel 67: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 68: 255 255 135 053
    Pixel 69: 255 076 192 110
    Pixel 70: 255 255 127 039
    Pixel 71: 255 175 169 226
    Pixel 72: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 73: 255 041 174 077
    Pixel 74: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 75: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 76: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 77: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 78: 255 038 164 092
    Pixel 79: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 80: 255 201 111 086
    Pixel 81: 255 255 255 255
    Pixel 82: 255 235 038 048
    Pixel 83: 255 144 216 165
    Pixel 84: 255 196 187 230
    Pixel 85: 255 255 255 255
    Pixel 86: 255 225 163 147
    Pixel 87: 255 041 154 104
    Pixel 88: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 89: 255 131 155 060
    Pixel 90: 255 187 065 046
    Pixel 91: 255 237 028 036
    Pixel 92: 255 237 238 250
    Pixel 93: 255 063 072 204
    Pixel 94: 255 034 177 076
    Pixel 95: 255 059 085 189
    Pixel 96: 255 117 184 154
    Pixel 97: 255 200 191 231
    Pixel 98: 255 245 100 085
    Pixel 99: 255 159 163 229
    Pixel 100: 255 245 121 125
    How can i put the value of pixels and create image?'....i.e.how to implement values separately to create image?'
    Does any1 know how to create and where to store created image?'

  13. #13
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    @ Norm.....yes...but no idea how to put above pixels in them...'

  14. #14
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Your code creates the file, so you know what each number is. You need to undo the steps used to create the file to retrieve the RGB value to use with the set method.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  15. #15
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    You need to undo the steps used to create the file to retrieve the RGB value
    During conversion of image to text, simply pixel values are written to plain text file by using getRGB() function'
    But during reverse, i created the group of 4 pixel values(255 123 132 064)
    and stored them in array'
    But......the main problem now is how to assign each array data[i] to setRGB() method?'

  16. #16
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    What values go in the data array? Look at the code in the following method. It shows how the 4 bytes in an int are converted to the 4 values for each pixel:
    public static String getARGBPixelData(int pixel)
            String ARGBvalue="";
            int alpha = (pixel >> 24) & 0x000000FF;
            int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0x000000FF;
            int green = (pixel >>8 ) & 0x000000FF;
            int blue = (pixel) & 0x000000FF;
            ARGBvalue = alpha + " " + red + " " + green + " " + blue;
            return ARGBvalue;

    Now you need to take those 4 numbers and put them back into an int value.
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to Norm For This Useful Post:

    suyog53 (September 23rd, 2012)

  18. #17
    Super Moderator curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

  19. #18
    Member suyog53's Avatar
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    Default Re: Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'

    Sorry for late informing...'
    My post on Other forums....'
    Conversion of any image file to text file in Java...'
    java - Creating Image from Pixel Values - Stack Overflow

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