ok well i have created a server/client program. The only problem is that my client keeps freezing. The only reason that i can tell why it freezes is because its recieving more data from the server than what it should. I have however stepped through the code on the server and everything seems to work precisely. I am really puzzled about this.
this is my code for my server:
import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.ArrayList; class ServerThread implements Runnable { private Server server = null; private Socket socket; private BufferedReader in; private PrintWriter out; private long start; private File file; //create new string called file private String name; /** * constructor for the server thread. * @param s socket from Multiserver * @param printIA * @param myHandler1 instance of when the Server form was created * @throws IOException IOException for creating the bufferedReader and * Printwriter */ public ServerThread(Socket s, Server myHandler1) throws IOException { socket = s; server = myHandler1; name = null; in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); /* create new buffereed reader of socket*/ out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())), true); /*create new printwriter of socket*/ Thread thisThread = new Thread(this); //create new thread thisThread.start(); //start new thread } // end of constructor method /** * This thread is run to send the list of files to the client. As well as * transfering the file and the statistics of the transfer */ public void run() { ArrayList arrayFiles = new ArrayList(); //create arrayList to store filenames File folder = new File(server.getFilePath()); //get directory of files set by the user File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); // get all the files in the directory for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { //create loop to check fiiles validate if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { //make sure its a file and not a subdirectory String fileName = listOfFiles[i].getName(); //put file name into string arrayFiles.add(fileName); } } out.println(arrayFiles); // send the length of the files to the client try { while (true) { //create loop so client can transfer more than one file at once String close = in.readLine(); //get message from client for closing the connection or getting file if (close.equals("close")) { //check if message equals "close" socket.close(); //close the socket break; //break from while loop } else { String fileName = in.readLine(); //get the name of the file the client wants for (int i = 0; i < arrayFiles.size(); i++) { /*loop until we find the *position of the file name in the directory*/ name = arrayFiles.get(i).toString(); //place name of current file into file if (name.equals(fileName)) { //check if the name matches the name of the file the client wants file = listOfFiles[i]; //place file into a File called file break; } } long fileSize = file.length(); //get length of file and place in fileSize out.println(fileSize); //send the filesize to the client out.flush(); long size=0; FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(file); //create fileInputStream of file DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); //creat DataOutputStream of the socket byte[] bb = new byte[10000]; //create a byte that stores 10000 bytes start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //get the current time in milliseconds while (true) { //loop untill file is sent int result = fileInput.read(bb); //read 10000 bytes of the file into result if (result == -1) { //check if end of file has been break; //exit while loop } stream.write(bb, 0, result); //send 10000 bytes of file to the size+=result; } stream.flush(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; //get the current time and subtract from start time to get transfer time server.addCount(); //increment the count of files sent by the server int count = server.transferCount(); //get the transfer count from the server float fileRate = fileSize / time; //get the bit rate of the file transfer server.addRate(fileRate); //add the bit rate to the overall bit rate of the server float serverRate = server.getRate(); //get the overall server rate server.addSize(fileSize); //add the transfered file size to the total transfered bytes of the server long bytesSent = server.getFileSize(); //get the total transfered bytes of the server /*This next line combines all the statistics needed for the client * The semi colons are added so the client can easily split up the information */ String info = Long.toString(time) + ";" + Long.toString(fileSize) + ";" + Float.toString(fileRate) + ";" + Integer.toString(count) + ";" + Float.toString(serverRate) + ";" + Long.toString(bytesSent) + ";"; out.println(info); //sends the info to the clienty out.flush(); } //end of else statement } //end of while loop } catch (IOException ex) { } } }
this is my client
import javax.swing.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; /** * Start of the Connect class * @author Andrew Gisler, Matthew Clark, Matthew George */ public class Connect { Socket socket; //create a socket variable BufferedReader in; //create a BufferedReader variable PrintWriter out; //create a PrintWriter variable /** * constructor of Connect */ private boolean status; public Connect() { } /** * This method starst the connection to the server. * It also displays errors if connection was unsuccessful or if an invalid host * name was entered * @param address this is the server address the user entered in * @param port this is the port number the user entered in * @return if the connection was successful or failed * @throws IOException */ public boolean startConnection(String address, String port) throws IOException { Client cl = new Client(); //create new instance of the Client class boolean status = false; //set the status of the connection to false try { InetAddress inet = InetAddress.getByName(address); //check if the address is valid socket = new Socket(inet, Integer.parseInt(port)); //create sockeet status = true; //set status to true } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { //catch if host name is invalid JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cl, "Invalid host: Please check host name"); //displays error for invalid host } catch (ConnectException ex) { //catch if connection was unsuccessful JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cl, "Can't Connect - try again"); //displays error for connection failure } catch (IOException ex) { } return status; //return status of connection to client class } /** * This method gets the file from the server. * @param fileName is the selected filename the user wants from the server * @param path is the location of where the file should be created * @return the statistics of the tranfer to the client class * @throws IOException */ public String getFile(String fileName, String path) throws IOException { String newFileName = fileExists(path,fileName); out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())), true); //create a new instance of PrintWriter based on the socket connection out.println("open"); out.flush(); out.println(fileName); //send out the filname across the socket to the server out.flush(); String filesize = in.readLine(); //get the size of the file from the server long fileSize = Long.parseLong(filesize.trim()); //convert the filesize from a string to a long datatype DataInputStream dataInput = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); //create a new instance of a DataInputStream in order to get data from server FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(path.trim() + "\\" + newFileName.trim()); //create new instance of FileOutputStream to write the file to the clients computer byte[] bb = new byte[10000]; //create a new instance of a byte while (true) { int result = dataInput.read(bb); //read 10000 bytes and place bytes in variable called result fileOutput.write(bb, 0, result); //write a file on input if (fileSize <= result) { //check if result is equal to the filesize break; //break while loop } fileSize -= result; //subtract result from fileSize } int result2 =dataInput.read(bb); String info = in.readLine(); //read in the statistics for the transfer fromt the server return info; //return the statistics to the client } /** * This method is used to check if the destination of images already contains * the file names. If the file already exists then it adds a number to the name * to make the file transfer unique * @param path is the selected path from the user * @param fileName is the filename the user would like * @return the new filename */ public String fileExists(String path, String fileName) { File fileCheck = new File(path.trim() + "\\" + fileName.trim()); //make a new of the file int count = 0; //create count and set to 0 String newFileName = ""; //set newFilename to "" String[] nameSplit =fileName.split("\\."); // split the fileName and the extention of the name into a String array File folder = new File(path); //get directory of files set by the user File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); //get list of files in the directory if (fileCheck.exists()) { //check if origanl file exists } else { newFileName = fileName; //copy name of origanl file to the newFilename string } for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { //create loop to check files validate String listName = listOfFiles[i].getName(); //get the name of the file in the directory String[] fileSplit = listName.split("\\."); //split the name from the extension into an array boolean containsNumber = fileSplit[0].contains(Integer.toString(i)); //check if the name contains an integer boolean containsName = fileSplit[0].contains(fileName); //check if the name contains the name if (containsName==true) //check if the name is true if (containsNumber==true) { //check if there is a number count++; //increment the count } } if (newFileName.equals(fileName)){ //check if fileName equals newFileName }else newFileName = nameSplit[0] + "(" + Integer.toString(count) + ")" + "." + nameSplit[1]; //add the count to the filename return newFileName; //return the newFileName } /** * This method gets list of files fromt the server * @return the list of files to the client class * @throws IOException */ public String getList() throws IOException { String arrayFiles = null; //create new array and set to null in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); //create new buffered reader try { arrayFiles = in.readLine(); //get list of files } catch (NumberFormatException nFE) { } return arrayFiles; //return list of files to client class } /** * close the connection when the clients disconnect button is pressed or * window is closed * @throws IOException */ public void closeConnection() throws IOException { try { if (socket.isConnected() == true) { //check if the socket is connected out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())), true); out.println("close"); //send message to server to close socket socket.close(); //close socket } } catch (RuntimeException e) { } } }