Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum, I couldn't quite figure out which forum is suitable.
I've previously written several apps that included sound, and they all worked well.
Recently I've been working on a new game and encountered some errors trying to play sounds - All functions related to sound don't seem to work.
The problem occurs with all sound files (wav's), and also when using JLayer with mp3 files.
I can't use any of the following methods: (getting different error messages, which I will specify in parenthesis).
AudioSystem.getClip() ("No line matching interface Clip supporting format..")
AudioSystem.getMixerInfo().length (oddly returns 0).
AudioStream.getData() ("could not create AudioData object")
AudioPlayer.player.start(InputStream i) (no error / exception but the sounds simply don't play).
After getting all these exceptions in my new game I retried my previous games and apps and suddenly all of the sounds don't work - no sound whatsoever, Although they all worked perfectly at the time, and I've changed nothing in terms of hardware nor software.
I should note that I am able to use Winamp and Windows Media Player so the sound hardware and drivers are fine.
Can anyone offer assistance and/or explanations?
Thanks in advance,