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Thread: Scanner with problem

  1. #1
    Junior Member Flcha's Avatar
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    Default Scanner with problem

    Hello guys
    Here I am again, now with a problem in I/O.

    The objective of this program is to input a word in the terminal/console and then the scanner would search the word in a specific txt file and would return with the result if the word exists or not.
    import comp102x.IO;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class SearchRecordDemo
        // for loading OCR libraries
        private static Loader loader = new Loader();
         * Askes user for an input word and searches the word from a record.
         * Prints whether the word exist in the record or not.
        public void searchWord() throws IOException
            // Input from console
            String word = IO.inputString();
            /* Input from image by performing Optical Character Recognition(OCR)
            //String word = IO.inputTextImage();
            word = removeExtraSpace(word);
            boolean exist = searchFromRecord("record.txt", word);
            if (exist) {
                System.out.println("The word \"" + word + "\" is in the record.");
            } else {
                System.out.println("The word \"" + word + "\" is not in the record.");
         * Removes the extra spaces from a word.
         * @param word The String to be processed.
        private String removeExtraSpace(String word)
            return word.replace("\n", "").replace("[ ]{2, }", "");
         * Searches the record and returns if a specified word is in the record.
         * @param recordName The name of the record text file.
         * @param word The word to be searched.
         * @return true if the word presents in the record, false otherwise.
        [B]private boolean searchFromRecord(String recordName, String word) throws IOException[/B]
       //method with problems
       Scanner scanner=new Scanner("record.txt");
         return true;
     // not found
     return false;

    After running the method searchWord(), I input in the terminal the word "ME" (it exists in the text file) and it return with false statement. Actually it return false with any word I input.
    Debugger is saying that recordName="record.txt". It's correct, no ? recordName is the variable that will store the words that exists in the text file.
    I need help

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Scanner with problem

    is not how a scanner works.

    What you do here is to check whether the String referenced by "word" is contained within the String referenced by "recordName".
    But the Variable recordName is always "record.txt". Its the argument you use to call the method.

    You have to actually use the Scanner object that you have created. Right now you create it and never do anything with it.

  3. #3
    Grand Poobah
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    Default Re: Scanner with problem

    Also you have set up the Scanner object to read the text "record.txt" and not the file called record.txt.
    Improving the world one idiot at a time!

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