I know this not part of the problem at hand, but I must ask this question. external .exe input stream file that you are talking about, is this also the same file as the .exe file to be download for the (JRE)? To my understanding, this .exe files allows a user to view other people's picture files for example, over the internet or www. Just that the other person to view the file must also have the (JRE) platform on his or her personal desktop computer. And that you're learning how to make .exe files for others over the internet? To give out. To view picture files or other files. Was this the case in writing this program?
--- Update ---
All I'm going to be straight forward honest on this forum because you guy are smarter than The Garden Island dot com blog. Of which I've been on for 13 years now. It went from a forum to a blog and now uses a blog type website, accepting html from any client who knows html.
I'm trying to see if I too can make a simple .exe class file from Java, and my home network to store the Java class file. Also on the JRE and development kit. This being my home pc. Then storing a file on there to pass it out to customers. Just so they can view the pictures I've attached to their web html pages. URL. I know I came to the right forum and correct topic. Input stream files. This will take time. But I need to write a program in Notepad, then compile it in java. Then store it on the development kit. Finally inform my clients or customers they too can view the pictures on the blog. That's my miniature size project now. Using my home pc as a network for others to view picture files. But first I have to write this class files so they can just view it on my network with out any intermediate issues in networking. ie..extra cost. Or extra work. whatevers. But just so it will be easier on them.
And not need a JRE on their part. Just the .exe file a small one to input it on their computer to view the blog. Using the Java prorgram. So that's where I am at. I don't know yet how to write the .exe program yet, but I'll figure it out.