New posters are chastised for posting in the "What's Wrong With My Code?" sub-Forum when asking questions without code or even when they're not asking about code at all, but the prominent, most visible, hard to miss or ignore "Ask a Question" button that most everyone would see first dumps all posts in that sub-Forum. Even after selecting a sub-Forum like this one, if I select "Ask a Question," it will stick my post into "What's Wrong With My Code?"
I recommend the Ask a Question button either be
1. reprogrammed to REQUIRE the user to select the appropriate sub-Forum, or
2. reprogrammed to activate the "+ Post New Thread" button on the page being viewed and if that button does not exist (like on the Forum's home page), then ask the user to select an appropriate sub-Forum using a pull-down or other selection device, or,
3. removed completely as being unhelpful.