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Thread: My first small project with java

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default My first small project with java


    I've just made my first small project with java, I've been learning java for 3 weeks now and i wanted to test myself with this project.
    The project's concept is about trying to guess names given randomly by the computer and the more you guess the harder it becomes

    any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you

     // project Made By: Night9O/Naito
    // Hello :D thank you for checking my code, please i very much appreciate constructive criticism and opinions
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    import java.util.*;
    public class GuessTheName
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            int PlayerLevel = 1; // the level of the player
            int PlayerGuesses = 0; //how many time the player guessed right (player score)
            int ChosenLength = 2; //the minimum amount of alphabets a name can have is 2.
            System.out.println("Welcome to my minigame:  Guess My Name");
            System.out.println("you have to guess a specific name chosen by the system ");
            System.out.println("you have 15 tries in order to guess 1 name");
            System.out.println("the game will start easy and become harder with each level");
            System.out.println("if you guessed 2 names right you level will increase and the difficulty with it ");
            System.out.println("Try to guess as much names as possible, Good luck!");
            System.out.println("Please be careful: ");
            System.out.print("write one alphabet, if you write multiple alphabets,");
            System.out.println(" only the first character will be considered");
            System.out.println("Also the name may contain hyphens (-)");
            GameLoop(PlayerLevel,ChosenLength, PlayerGuesses);
        public static String RandomNameGenerator(int PlayerLevel, int ChosenLength) throws IOException {
            // the File.txt has organized names, meaning that each line contains a name
            //the idea here is to get a random integer, use that random integer as index (expl 10 = line 10 = name number 10)
            String randomName = "";
            int txtnumlines = 0; // how many lines the txt file has (equivalent of how many names the file has)
            ArrayList<String> AllNames = new ArrayList<>(); //array that stores all names
            Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("Names.txt")); //loads the txt file
            // we will store all names in a list to make things easier, and we will count the number of name the file has
            while (file.hasNext()) //counts the number of lines + puts each name in the list
                String names  = file.nextLine();
                txtnumlines += 1;
                if (!names.equals("\n")) //remove any potential empty indexes in the list
            // now we will shuffle randomly the Array list
            Collections.shuffle(AllNames); //shuffles randomly the list
            // to make the game interesting, i made a method that checks the player level and then decide the difficulty
            // of the name based on a Probability Distribution table, you can check that table in the source code folder
            // the name of the method is NameLength Probability
            ChosenLength = NameLengthProbability(PlayerLevel, ChosenLength); //the amount of characters/alphabets the name
            // will have
            for (int i = 0; i < AllNames.size(); i++)
                //tell the compiler to get the first name that has the same character number as the chosenlength variable
                if (ChosenLength == AllNames.get(i).length())
                    randomName = AllNames.get(i);
            // for some reasons the compiler add empty spaces after name,
            // expl : jhon''  jhon has 4 alphabets but compiler outputs 5 thanks to these spaces
            StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(randomName);
            for (int i = 0; i < randomName.length(); i++)
                if (randomName.charAt(i) == ' ') // remove any annoying spaces the name might have
            randomName = sbf.toString();
            return randomName;
        public static int NameLengthProbability(int PlayerLevel, int ChosenLength) //Used in randomName Generator method
            Random random = new Random();
            // check the Probability Distribution Table for this section can't explain  this in comments :V
            int Probability = random.nextInt(100);
            if (PlayerLevel == 1)
                if (Probability <= 60) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 4); }
                else if (Probability <= 90) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(5, 7); }
                else if (Probability <= 95) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                return ChosenLength;
            if (PlayerLevel == 2)
                if (Probability <= 40) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 4); }
                else if (Probability <= 80) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(5, 7); }
                else if (Probability <= 90) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 95) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(13, 15); }
                return ChosenLength;
            if (PlayerLevel == 3)
                if (Probability <= 30) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 4); }
                else if (Probability <= 70) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(5, 7); }
                else if (Probability <= 85) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 95) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(13, 15); }
                return ChosenLength;
            if (PlayerLevel == 4)
                if (Probability <= 10) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 4); }
                else if (Probability <= 60) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(5, 7); }
                else if (Probability <= 80) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 90) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(13, 15); }
                return ChosenLength;
            if (PlayerLevel == 5)
                if (Probability <= 0) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 4); }
                else if (Probability <= 45) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(5, 7); }
                else if (Probability <= 75) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 95) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(13, 15); }
                return ChosenLength;
            if (PlayerLevel == 6)
                if (Probability <= 0) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 4); }
                else if (Probability <= 20) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(5, 7); }
                else if (Probability <= 60) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 90) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(13, 15); }
                return ChosenLength;
            if (PlayerLevel == 7)
                if (Probability <= 0) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(2, 7); } // both (2,4) and (5,7) are 0%
                else if (Probability <= 40) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(8, 10); }
                else if (Probability <= 80) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(11, 13); }
                else if (Probability <= 100) { ChosenLength = NextIntInRange(13, 15); }
                return ChosenLength;
            return  ChosenLength;
        private static int NextIntInRange(int min, int max)  //used in NameLengthProbability Method
        //simple algorithm to generate a random integer between a min and max variables (min <= x <= max)
            if (min >= max) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("max must be greater than min");
            return (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;
        public static String PlayerHelper(String randomName)
            //this method will try to help the player by giving him some hints, like the place of a certain character
            Random random = new Random();
            String HelperString = randomName; // the output of the function expl: "M---I-"
            StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(HelperString);
            int RandomChar1 = random.nextInt(randomName.length()); // choose a random alphabet to help the player
            char CharHelper = sbf.charAt(RandomChar1); //spot that helper char using the previous int as an index
            String dots = "-".repeat(sbf.length());
            sbf.replace(0, sbf.length(), dots); // make the HelperString as this format: "----------"
            sbf.setCharAt(RandomChar1, CharHelper); // change the - with the chosen random alphabets in the right place
            HelperString = sbf.toString();
            return HelperString;
        public static String Arranger(String randomName, char UserInput, String HelperString)
        //takes user input, find if he can place the character if yes put it in the appropriate place
            // reminder : HelperString is the variable that outputs the user's progress example : ---m-i
            StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(HelperString);
            for (int i = 0; i < randomName.length(); i++)
                if (UserInput == randomName.charAt(i))
                //if the player guessed one character right, implement it in the right place
                    if (HelperString.charAt(i) == '-') // to avoid breaking in a letter that is already shown/implemented
                        sbf.setCharAt(i, UserInput);
            HelperString = sbf.toString();
            return HelperString;
        public static void GameLoop(int PlayerLevel, int ChosenLength, int PlayerGuesses) throws IOException
        // this method will handle the while loops and the interaction with the user
            Scanner input  = new Scanner(System.in);
            int TurnsLeft = 20; // how many turns the player has in order to guess one name
            while (TurnsLeft != 0) // this loop is for switching names if the player guessed right
                ArrayList<Character> TriedCharacters = new ArrayList<>(); //a list to store inputted characters
                String randomName = RandomNameGenerator(PlayerLevel, ChosenLength).toLowerCase(); //generates a random name
                String HelperString = PlayerHelper(randomName);
                System.out.println("The name contains  "+ randomName.length() + "  letters");
                System.out.println("The name has this format:  " + HelperString);
                for (int i = 0; i < randomName.length(); i++) //checks if there is a hyphen in the name
                    if (randomName.charAt(i) == '-')
                        System.out.println("This name has one hyphen");
                for (int i = 0; i < randomName.length(); i++) //checks if there are repetitive alphabets
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < randomName.length(); j++)
                        if (randomName.charAt(i) == randomName.charAt(j))
                            System.out.println("This name has repetitive alphabets");
                while (TurnsLeft != 0) // this loop is designed for when the player is in the process of guessing one name
                    char UserInput = input.nextLine().charAt(0); // catches the user character input
                    HelperString = Arranger(randomName, UserInput, HelperString);
                    //takes user input, find if he can place the character if yes put it in the appropriate place
                    TurnsLeft -= 1;
                    System.out.println("Turns Left: " + TurnsLeft);
                    TriedCharacters.add(UserInput); // add the Alphabets that the User has inputted during the guessing
                    Collections.sort(TriedCharacters); //sort the arraylist (ascending order)
                    System.out.println(TriedCharacters); //gives the player a list of characters that he already tried
                    System.out.println(HelperString); //shows the progress of the user
                    if (randomName.equals(HelperString))
                        System.out.println("Good Job!, you guessed right");
                        TurnsLeft = 20;
                        PlayerGuesses += 1;
                        PlayerLevel = PlayerLevel(PlayerGuesses, PlayerLevel);
                        System.out.println("System will generate another name for you to guess it ;)");
                    if (TurnsLeft == 0) {
                        System.out.println("you have wasted all you tries, game over.Your score: " + PlayerGuesses);
                        System.out.println("The name is: " + randomName);
        public static int PlayerLevel(int PlayerGuesses, int PlayerLevel)
        // Updates the player level during the game.
            // for every 2 right guesses the level increments
            if ((PlayerGuesses % 2) == 0 || PlayerGuesses == 15) // if the number is pair increment the level
            // the final level is 15 so it's not pair, we need to add that or statement
                PlayerLevel += 1;
            return PlayerLevel;

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first small project with java

    Also posted here: https://coderanch.com/t/724395/code-...l-project-Java
    If you don't understand my answer, don't ignore it, ask a question.

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