Hello everyone
Nice I found this forum, looks nice :-)
I'm new at Java and have some problems with installing.
When I try to run my project I get the message: "GWT SDK not installed"
I use Eclipse and step by step, I have done that:
1) Installing Java SE - "Windows x64 87.35 MB jdk-7u2-windows-x64.exe" (I hope that's the right version, I run with Windows 64-bit. I can see there also is a version called "Windows x86"?
- Java SE Development Kit 7u2 Downloads
2) Install the Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)
- Downloading and Installing the Plugin - Google Plugin for Eclipse - Google Code
3) Installing GWT Designer
- Installing GWT Designer - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code
Unfortunately I still get this bad message: "GWT SDK not installed"
So my question is, what to do right now?
/Thank's (: