HI, I have a problem and don't know which forum to use as it may be netbeans, ant or a Stub issue when building my Java app.
I have written a Java Application on Windows 7 and have just built it on Mac.
I want to create an app file which has it's own icon rather than Java's.
I tried to use javabundler in the ant build.xml file but it wanted to use Java 6 and I'm on Java 8.
I tried to use universalJavaApplicationStub to cope with the different Java combinations BUT...
The plist file created wanted version 1.3+ and the Stub doesn't like that value.
I really can't see how that value got there or how to change it, I think the Stub would cope with 1.4+
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I can't see an ant target that builds the plist file.
Regards, bobinski