Learning Java using Eclipse. I do not understand the above relationship at all. Java seems to require strong file structure, so I have created this in the form javaApplications->Sub-Directories (applications; testing; library; learning) When I try to create a Java Application, it asks me for a name, eg complex, then for a location. If I give it D:\javaApplications, it adds to this the sub-directory complex. I do not want that, I want complex to go into library. If it specify this, it sends me an error message D:\javaApplications\library overlaps with another project: library. It will accept D:\javaApplications\library\complex, but I thought that my Module level would be D:\javaApplications and my package level would be (library, testing, etc), but it seems to want me to create separate package-info files at this lowest sub-directory level. What am I doing wrong?