The building of my android app failed with a new strange set of errors:
The app/app/build/generated/data_binding_base_class_source_out/debug/out/com/comTest/theapp/databinding/ error: illegal '.' public final com.comTest.theapp..utilsviews.MyTextView pin8;
The class MyTextView is defined in the app/utils/views/MyTextView.kt it looks like the generator of java code makes a mistake.
As this code is right in generated java, I don't know how to correct the error or where to begin to fix the problem.
The application compiled fine then I did the following from the reference from this technical blog:
* created a scratch.kt file where I needed to import some file defined in the utils folder
* updated some stuff (Gradle plugin, targetSDK value, remove redundant dependencies) following the suggestion of android-studio. It was the usual stuff when updating android-studio internals.
The errors appear in the file which start with: "// Generated by view binder compiler. Do not edit!"