* IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
* temurin-21.jdk
* macOS 13.6 Ventura
I have a Java/Swing app which is running under `temurin-21.jdk`. I usually test it just by running it in IntelliJ. The ultimate aim is to produce an `uber-jar` containing all of the project dependencies, as well as the `temurin-21.jre`, which I have installed and is sitting alongside the `jdk` in `/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-21.jre`.
I have experimented with enabling the `build artefacts` and am now able to build a `semi-uber-jar`, as it were, containing my project classes as well as the 3rd party dependencies, and am able to run the app using it.
In the past, I've used the `Maven Shade` plugin to gather in extra classes into my `uber-jar` but I don't know if this is the right route to follow here. I've a sneaking suspicion that the answer lies in the `Artefacts` dialog, particularly in the highlighted sub-menu...
Posting attachments isn't working for me (when I click the "Manage Attachments" button, nothing happens) so I've posted the image of the dialog here https://ibb.co/qy4Mcbg
The ultimate, ultimate aim is to produce a self contained macOS app containing everything necessary to run the app, although I have had more success in this, using a little app which acts as a front end for JPackage, called JarPackager - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/jarpac...19577577?mt=12, and a macOS DMG builder called DropDMG - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/dropdmg/id414234859?mt=12
If someone could give me some guidance on constructing my `uber-jar` containing a JRE, I would be very grateful!
Thanks in advance!