Hi all,
is there a way in which i can write a Java program that will work on an iPad? if so what are the requirements. HELP Please
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Hi all,
is there a way in which i can write a Java program that will work on an iPad? if so what are the requirements. HELP Please
IPad apps require to be written in Objective-C. In other words, you cannot at the present time.
Read the following quote from the late Steve Jobs:
Hopefully that answers your question (implicitly)Originally Posted by Steve Jobs
Please use [highlight=Java]//code goes here...[/highlight] tags when posting your code
Also, IPad apps requires is like Eclipse, Objective-C is like Java, a powerful OO c-style language that you do everything application for IPad. Moreover I think that there is no way to avoid it if you are serious about developing iphone apps.
There is an interesting application called Java Programming Language with Reference in the following link
App Store - Java Programming Language with Reference
I just downloaded and as far as I know the only requirement is to have Internet connection to compile and execute your programs.
Hope it helps,