Hello, what developer kit i should download so i can start very quickly to develop java applications for mobile phones?
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Hello, what developer kit i should download so i can start very quickly to develop java applications for mobile phones?
I would suggest you to go with NetBeans IDE. It has great support for developing mobile apps using visual editor.
I would just like it noted that you should not be using the visual editor... ever. At no point in time will a visual editor assist you in any way besides learning how to make consistently bad and unsustainable code that will not be compatible with even the most similiar platforms.
- Uses absolute positioning. Ewww
- Hard to read
- No sense of intuition.
Now if you want to go with the netbeans mobile pack, go for it, but don't use the visual editor if you want to get anywhere. I would like to state that again, using netbeans is good, using visual editor is not so good.
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Ok , i just made my first appliacations, and I put it here:
the problem is that when i run it from my cell phone i get the error
"failed to verify!"
wtf is this all about?!
Last edited by lavaziniamarcu; March 22nd, 2012 at 04:10 AM.
Ok , i put 2 more applications
- snake_revolution.jar that it's working just fine!!!!
and an .txt file saved as .far, and guess what , i get the message "failed to verify" for the raw text file..
Also others applications , like "world of the dragon" are working... why ?
Do i do anything wrong? I am using netbeans
Last edited by lavaziniamarcu; March 22nd, 2012 at 06:46 AM.