My name is David, I'm interning this summer doing some High Performance Computing work. I'm significantly out of my comfort zone here; I am primarily a network/network security geek, not a programming guy. I took one Java based class called problem solving with programming where we wrote like 3 programs in Java and did everything else in pseudocode and using a program called Alice to do things graphically. Learned basically no actual programming syntax. Also have done some self-taught perl, but only through one book and I didn't finish it, I only got about half way through it. So my expertise in programming are pretty much null.
That being said, I currently am tasked with having to figure out how to make JNI work... specifically at this time I am tasked with writing an array in Java, and designing a C program that can be called by means of JNI to sort the array. I have chosen to work with the Merge Sort algorithm. My method of coding is not one where I write the entire thing from scratch, I don't particularly have a need to master languages at this point, rather I just need to make them work. I am interested in learning, but time is of the essence for me right now. So thus far what I have done is take sample codes and tweak them to meet my purpose. However, I currently am unable to make things work. So I am asking for help.
I am going to paste 3 codes here, the first one will be my basic self-written instructions for JNI (Hello World Instructions), the second one will be my Java Array, and the third one will be my MergeSort function. I am not asking for you to DO my work for me by telling me how to manipulate my code, but rather I am asking for you to send me in the direction of resources that will be of some aid to me. Links, books (preferrably e-books so I don't have to go to a library), anything that you can send my direction that may help will be deeply appreciated. Thanks so much!
JNI Instructions:
/*The process for calling a C function in Java is as follows: 1)Write the Java Program name. Eg. 2)Compile it: javac 3)Create a header file: javah -jni HelloWorld 4)Create a C program eg. 5)Compile the C program creating a shared library eg. (My specifc command is cc -m32 -I/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_05/include -I/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_05/include/linux -shared -o -fPIC HelloWorld.c 6) Copy the library to the java.library.path, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (in my case I have set it to /usr/local/lib. 7)Run ldconfig (/sbin/ldconfig) 8)Run the java program: java HelloWorld. */ /*__________________________________________________________________________*/ //Writing the code: //For the HelloWorld program: //In java: //You need to name a class: class HelloWorld { //You then need to declare a native method: public native void displayHelloWorld(); //You now need a static initializer: static { //Load the library: System.loadLibrary("hello"); } /*Main function to call the native method (call the C code)*/ public static void main(String[] args) { new HelloWorld().displayHelloWorld(); } } //In C: #include <jni.h> //JNI header #include "HelloWorld.h" //Header created by the javah -jni command parameter #include <stdio.h> //Standard input/output header for C. //Now we must use a portion of the code provided by the JNI header. JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloWorld_displayHelloWorld(JNIENV *env, jobject obj) //Naming convention: Java_JavaProgramName_displayCProgramName { printf("Hello World!\n"); return; }
Java Array:
class JavaArray { private native int MergeSort(int[] arr); public static void main(String[] args) { int arr[] = {7, 8, 6, 3, 1, 19, 20, 13, 27, 4}; } static { System.loadLibrary("MergeSort"); } }
Hacked and pieced together crappy C Merge Sort code:
#include <jni.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "JavaArray.h" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_JavaArray_MergeSort(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr[],jint low,jint mid,jint high) { jint i,j,k,l,b[10]; l=low; i=low; j=mid+1; while((l<=mid)&&(j<=high)) { if(arr[l]<=arr[j]) { b[i]=arr[l]; l++; } else { b[i]=arr[j]; j++; } i++; } if(l>mid) { for(k=j;k<=high;k++) { b[i]=arr[k]; i++; } } else { for(k=l;k<=mid;k++) { b[i]=arr[k]; i++; } } for(k=low;k<=high;k++) { arr[k]=b[k]; } } void partition(jint arr[],jint low,jint high) { jint mid; if(low<high) { mid=(low+high)/2; partition(arr,low,mid); partition(arr,mid+1,high); sort(arr,low,mid,high); } }