i'm looking for a tool that can generate the needed JNI code using only header file in order to call native C/C++ functions from a library (.so file). i'm having hard time to find the documentation i need to understand the tools so i try to ask here.
i'm using eclipse on linux.
the popular tools are - SWIG, JNIWrapper, Gluegen, JNA, Bridj.
i wish the tool could do the following:
1. Generate JNI code that needed to call C/C++ code? (not another wrape like SWIG does)
2. Generate conversion code in the JNIEXPORT-JNICALL methods so a structs inside structs will also will be converted automatically and not only the external struct. SWIG, for example is passing a pointer only to the external struct.
3. Good performance. Does anywone ever checked those tools?
4. Examples. if you have examples i'd love to receive.
Thanks a lot in advance