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Thread: Java JNI DLL UnsatisfiedLinkError error

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2024
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Default Java JNI DLL UnsatisfiedLinkError error

    I have a strange problem with my camera JNI windows DLL program. I can load and run immaculately on Windows 10 machine on which the DLL program was developed.

    When I copy to Windows 11 another machine, I get the unsatisfied Java module load error. It says "cannot find dependent libraries". It works on Windows 10. Not in another machine! The following is a stack trace;

    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\AnamonCamera-win64.dll10819000438203799267: Can't find dependent libraries
    at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.load(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries$NativeLibraryI mpl.open(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.loadLibrary(Un known Source)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.loadLibrary(Un known Source)
    at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.lang.System.load(Unknown Source)
    at anamon.camera.Webcam.<clinit>(Webcam.java:43)
    at anamon.cms.ImageStereoVision.run(ImageStereoVision .java:372)
    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    The following is JNI Visual Studio C++ program snippets which shows included libraries and APIs used. It's basic camera interface program that get a list of camera names and fetch images from a camera. It uses Media Foundation APIs which is win32 which doesn't require extra installations.

    #include "jni.h"

    #include <mfapi.h>
    #include <mfidl.h>
    #include <mfreadwrite.h>

    #pragma comment(lib, "mf.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfuuid.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfplat.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfreadwrite.lib")

    // JNI interface functions call this;
    int setupCameraDeviceList() {
    HRESULT hr;
    if (!mfinitialized) {
    hr = MFStartup(MF_VERSION);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
    return -3;

    hr = MFCreateAttributes(&videoConfig, 1);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
    return -4;


    The following is Java DLL loading part. It extracts DLL file stored in a Jar file and store on a temp file. Then the temp file is loaded;

    String dllname = "AnamonCamera-win64";
    File temp = WebcamTools.extractInJarDllFileAndCreateTempFile(d llname);

    The following is Visual Studion CMakeLists.txt file.

    cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)

    # Enable Hot Reload for MSVC compilers if supported.
    if (POLICY CMP0141)
    cmake_policy(SET CMP0141 NEW)
    set(CMAKE_MSVC_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT "$<IF:$<AND:$<C_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>,$<CXX_COMPILER_I D:MSVC>>,$<$<CONFIGebug,RelWithDebInfo>:EditAndContinue>,$<$<CONFIGebug,RelWithDebInforogramDatabase>>")

    project ("AnamonCameraMF-win6")

    add_library( # Sets the name of the library.

    # Sets the library as a shared library.

    # Provides a relative path to your source file(s).

    I suspect this CMakeLists.txt file may need something. Otherwise it could be visual studio license or java or windows security issue. Currently I subscribed monthly. Probably not charged yet.

    It could be I am making a simple mistake as I am not expert on Visual Studio matter. I use Visual Studio 2022 professional and community editions.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2024
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Default Re: Java JNI DLL UnsatisfiedLinkError error

    I solved this problem. I was using DEBUG version DLL. After switching to release version, it works fine. So using a debug version didn't work.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to oh122 For This Useful Post:

    Norm (September 4th, 2024)

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