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Thread: Not catching socketexceptions in Vista and Windows 7 only in XP

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Not catching socketexceptions in Vista and Windows 7 only in XP

    I own an application that is malfunctioning; it is not catching socketexceptions in Windows Vista or 7, but in Windows XP it is working fine. Since it's a download-manager applet in Java it's quite frustrating because it is involved in making download-resume work! Wierd thing is I can find nothing on the internet that so it doesn't seem to be a general issue. Anyone of you ever heard of anything that could cause this?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Norm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Not catching socketexceptions in Vista and Windows 7 only in XP

    What versions of java are installed on the two machines?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Not catching socketexceptions in Vista and Windows 7 only in XP

    6.26 for the Win 7 and Vista. Same behaviour in 6.10 in Vista. With 6.21 for XP it works, but in XP/2000 it has worked for years.

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