I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I need help solving the following problem:
Client-server tic-tac-toe. The task is composed by two programs: client and server. The
server is a “stupid” player: it always selects a random move, of course out of the possible ones. The
client part is operated by the user. He is always the second player. The task has the following elements:
1. TCP connection between the client and the server.
2. When started, the server waits for the client to connect. Then it selects a random move. The
server has to recognize who is the winner, after the game is over.
3. The client selects its move in text format using the coordinates (for example (0 0) means the
upper left corner). If the move is not possible, the server responds with a message that this field
is occupied.
4. After each move, a character table is printed in the client console, for example:
O | | X
| O |
X | |
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!