import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class SpaceshipClient extends JPanel implements ActionListener, KeyListener
public ImageIcon pictures0[];// This is the array of pictures0 that will be animated
public ImageIcon pictures1[];// This is the array of pictures0 that will be animated
public int player1spaceship = 13, player2spaceship = 13;
public int x = 500, y = 368, x0 = 550, y0 = 368;// X and Y Cordinates for Positioning the Space ships
public Timer AnimationTimer;//Timer to drive the animation and start the races
public int Velocity = 0, Velocity1 = 0;// This keeps track of the two Space ships speed
public String send = null;
public SpaceshipClient()
try //Try Block to Display the Welcome Screen
//display a welcome dialog (JOptionPane) that includes the rules
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"GAME INSTRUCTIONS \n\n" +"This game is a multiplayer space ship game\n" + "Player 1 space ship is Red\n" + "Player 2 space ship is Blue\n\n" + "The Object of this game is to\n" + "drive the two space ships around\n" + "the race track and try to reach\n" + "the finishing line as quick as possible\n" + "to gain first position while avoiding\n"+ "collision with the wall, center astroid and each other.\n\n" + "PLAYER 1 CONTROLS\n\n" + "W = Accelaration\n" + "S = Decelaration\n" + "D = Turn right\n" + "A = Turn left\n\n" + "PLAYER 2 CONTROLS\n\n" + "I = Accelaration\n" + "K = Decelaration\n" + "L = Turn right\n" + "J = Turn left\n");
catch(Exception e){
try //Try Block to Play the Sound
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/hotidle.wav");// This Loads the Sound Effect from the Directory
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);//Creating Instance of the Audio Clip
snd.play();//This will play the sound effect only once
catch(Exception e){
int i = 0;//This sets the number of pictures0 to Zero since its an array
pictures0 = new ImageIcon[16];//Creating the instance of pictures0
pictures1 = new ImageIcon[16];//Creating the instance of pictures0
//This will allow the Key Presses
// Method to load the 16 pictures0
while(i < 16){
pictures0[i] = new ImageIcon("player1/spaceship"+i+".png"); // This loads the pictures0 from the directory
pictures1[i] = new ImageIcon("player2/spaceship"+i+".png");// This loads the pictures0 from the directory
i++;// starts the animation of the pictures0
public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
super.paintComponent(g);// This calls the super class paintComponent
Color c1 = Color.black;
g.setColor( c1 );
g.fillRect(50, 100, 750, 500); // surrounding space
// Color c2 = new Color(210, 105, 30);
//g.setColor( c2 );
//g.fillRect( 150, 200, 550, 300 ); // asteroid
Color c3 = Color.white;
g.setColor( c3 );
g.drawLine( 425, 500, 425, 700 ); // finish line
g.drawRect(100, 150, 650, 400);// mid-lane marker
Color c4 = Color.blue;
g.setColor( c4 );
g.drawLine( 200, 250, 570, 325 );
//draw the two Space ships to the screen, at the white line
pictures0[player1spaceship-1].paintIcon(this, g, y, x);
pictures1[player2spaceship-1].paintIcon(this, g, y0, x0);
Image image;
ImageIcon i = new ImageIcon("images/near1.jpg");
image = i.getImage();
g.drawImage(image,150, 200, 520, 280, null);
//This method is used to respond to Timers' event
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
//Using Rectangles to detect collision between the Space ships and the Wall walls
Rectangle Wall = new Rectangle(49, 100, 715, 452);
Rectangle Asteroid = new Rectangle(150, 200, 520, 280);
Rectangle Finishline = new Rectangle(425, 500, 1, 615);
int cordinate_x = x;
int cordinate_y = y;
int cordinate_x0 = x0;
int cordinate_y0 = y0;
//Move the Space ship forward base on the direction its facing
if(player1spaceship == 1)
cordinate_x -=Velocity1;
else if(player1spaceship == 5)
cordinate_y +=Velocity1;
else if (player1spaceship == 9)
cordinate_x +=Velocity1;
else if (player1spaceship == 13)
cordinate_y -=Velocity1;
if(player2spaceship == 1)
cordinate_x0 -=Velocity;
else if(player2spaceship == 5)
cordinate_y0 +=Velocity;
else if (player2spaceship == 9)
cordinate_x0 +=Velocity;
else if (player2spaceship == 13)
cordinate_y0 -=Velocity;
//Using Rectangles to detect collision between the two Space ships
Rectangle spaceship1 = new Rectangle(cordinate_y, cordinate_x, 50, 50);
Rectangle spaceship2 = new Rectangle(cordinate_y0, cordinate_x0, 50, 50);
//This Detects the Collision between the Walls of the race track and the two Space ships
if(!Asteroid.intersects(spaceship1) && Wall.inside(cordinate_y,cordinate_x) && (!spaceship1.intersects(spaceship2)))
y = cordinate_y;
x = cordinate_x;
//This checks and see if Player 1 hits Player 2 then the game ends
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/CARCRASH.WAV");// This Loads the Sound Effect from the Directory
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);//Creating Instance of the Audio Clip
snd.play();//Message to be displayed when the two Space ships crashed / collide
System.out.println("Space ships Crashed Game Over \n" + "Connection Lost fROM server" );
//Displays the a Message when the two Space ships crashed
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Space ships crashed!! \n\n" + "*****Game Over***\n\n" + "hit OK to Exit");
System.exit(0);//Terminates the Game if Collision happens
if(!Asteroid.intersects(spaceship1) && Wall.inside(cordinate_y,cordinate_x) && (!spaceship1.intersects(spaceship2)))
y = cordinate_y;
x = cordinate_x;
//This checks and see if Player 1 hits Player 2 then the game ends
Velocity = 0;
Velocity1 = 0;
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/geardown.WAV");// This Loads the Sound Effect from the Directory
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);//Creating Instance of the Audio Clip
snd.play();//Message to be displayed when the two Space ships crashed / collide
if(!Asteroid.intersects(spaceship1) && Wall.inside(cordinate_y,cordinate_x) && (!spaceship1.intersects(spaceship2)))
y = cordinate_y;
x = cordinate_x;
//This checks and see if Player 1 hits Player 2 then the game ends
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/ClappingCrowd.wav");
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"CONGRATULATIONS!!\n\n" + "Player 1\n\n"+ "YOU PLACED FIRST");
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/ClappingCrowd.wav");
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"CONGRATULATIONS!!\n\n" + "Player 2\n\n"+ "YOU PLACED FIRST");
Velocity = 0;
Velocity1 =0;
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/geardown.WAV");
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);
//This Detects the Collision between the Walls of the race track and the two Space ships
if(!Asteroid.intersects(spaceship2) && Wall.inside(cordinate_y0,cordinate_x0) && (!spaceship2.intersects(spaceship1)))
y0 = cordinate_y0;
x0 = cordinate_x0;
//This checks and see if Player 2 hits Player 1 then the game ends
repaint();//Refresh the Screen
//Method to start the animation / Race
public void Start_Accelaration()
AnimationTimer = new Timer(40, this);
//Returns the minimum size of the animation
public Dimension getMinimumSize()
return getPreferredSize();
//Ends getMinimumsize method
//Returns the preferred size of the animation
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
return new Dimension( 850, 650);
//end getPreferredsize method
// Get Key pressed by user
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
//Invoked when a key has been pressed.
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
int Code = e.getKeyCode();
if(Code == KeyEvent.VK_R){
//Player 2
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_I)//If Player 2 pressed I, Space ship speed increases by 10
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/tirespin.wav");// This Loads the Sound Effect from the Directory and play it when I key is pressed
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);
Velocity +=1;
Velocity1 = 10;
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_K)//If Player 2 pressed K, Space ship speed decreases by 10
Velocity -=1;
Velocity1 = 0;
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_L)//If Player 2 pressed L, Space ship turns 22.5 Degrees Right
player2spaceship = (((player2spaceship+1)>16)? 1 : (player2spaceship+1));
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_J)//If Player 2 pressed J, Space ship turns 22.5 Degrees Left
player2spaceship = (((player2spaceship-1)<1)? 16 : (player2spaceship-1));
//Player 1
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_W)//If Player 1 pressed W, Space ship speed increases by 10
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/tirespin.wav");// This Loads the Sound Effect from the Directory
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);//Creating Instance of the Audio Clip
Velocity1 +=1;
Velocity1 = 10;
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_S)//If Player 1 pressed S, Space ship speed decreases by 10
URL eng = this.getClass().getResource ("Sounds/geardown.wav");// This Loads the Sound Effect from the Directory
AudioClip snd = JApplet.newAudioClip(eng);//Creating Instance of the Audio Clip
Velocity1 -=1;
Velocity = 0;
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_D)
player1spaceship = (((player1spaceship+1)>16)? 1 : (player1spaceship+1));//If Player 1 pressed D, Space ship turns 22.5 Degrees Right
if (Code == KeyEvent.VK_A)
player1spaceship = (((player1spaceship-1)<1)? 16 : (player1spaceship-1));//If Player 1 pressed A, Space ship turns 22.5 Degrees Left
//Invoked when a key has been Released.
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)